Chapter 12. Casey

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Chapter 12. Casey.

It was the first day of spring break, and I got today off. It was also the Spring Formal. I didn't really want to go, but I thought that I should. After all, I was a nominee for Spring Formal Queen. Since my hair dresser wouldn't be seeing me at appointments for a while, she gave me a long brown hair wig, and it looked almost identical to my actual hair. Not many people had actually seen me bald in school that day, so if I went to the Formal with hair, people might think that other kids started a rumor. I was willing to try.

I wore a purple strapless dress, with sparkles that shimmered in the light. I was perfect for me. I dreamed of wearing this dress forever, and I was actually confident to pull it off.

I wondered if Corey would be there. If so, I really didn't want to run into him. He was old and bad news, and many people told me that he had been a wreck every since we ended the relationship. If he wasn't such a jerk, I would still be with him right now.

When I got to the school, I could hear the loud pop music from outside. I breathed in deep, trying to calm myself, and then I opened the door to enter the gym. It was completely black in the gym, except for the one disco ball, that made the the floor rainbow colored. The D.J. was spinning some familiar pop tracks.

Suddenly, I got tackled from behind and remembered the scent that came over me as this happened. They always smelled like strawberry flavored lip gloss.I turned around quickly to find, Sierra and Elizabeth, my old best friends standing right there. Sierra had black hair, and Elizabeth had blonde hair. Sierra was wearing a pink dress, almost like mine, with the same sparkles and all. Elizabeth was wearing an identical dress to Sierra's except a darker shade of pink.This was the typical thing that we use to do when we were best friends. Our group split up at the beginning of the school year, when we found out we didn't have any classes together. I was clueless why they were all over me now. When they left, I was a little bit lonely, but It felt good to be on my own, and I didn't always have to listen to them complain or make fun of people.

"What's up?" I asked, managing to put a smile on my face.

"We miss you! And that dress is to die for," Sierra winked, and punched my shoulder playfully.

"Yeah, it is!" Elizabeth exclaimed, putting her hand out to high five me. When I didn't do the same, she changed the subject. "So, Sierra I told you she didn't shave her head!"

"I don't know why we ever believed those girls," Sierra sighed, rolling her eyes. "They just want to be the center of attention."

"Well, yeah, it's just same old me," I lied, flipping my hair back.

"We just had to come over to check. That would be gross!" Elizabeth bellowed.

"I would never shave my head, just to let you know," I chimed in. "If I ever lost my hair, it would have to be of cancer."

Sierra and Elizabeth remained quiet for a minute then asked, "Wanna dance?" The both took a hand, and dragged me to the center of the gym. I tried to dance, but my body still wasn't that strong. It was really difficult to see me like this, even when I loved dancing. I loved my friends too, but I didn't want them to see me like this. I just wish they could have left me alone.

"Oh my gosh!" Sierra yelled over the music. "We have to do the signature girly handshake!"

"Yeah, remember that?" Elizabeth jumped of excitement, her curly hair bouncing with her.

I rolled my eyes in my mind, but on the outside, at least tried to look like I was having fun. I hated that handshake, everyone would stare at us, and we acted like we were little girls.

As the girls started to put their hands out, wanting me to join, I quickly thought of a distraction. "Hey look!" I observed. "There's Corey! Hide me!" I ran behind Elizabeth's back. I didn't want to do the handshake, and I didn't want to see Corey. A double dilemma.

Elizabeth and Sierra looked at each other, their eyes open wide. Corey walked hopelessly around the gym, looking for something to do, or someone to talk to. I could have been there, next to him, his arm around me. I actually missed it.

People walked by and stared at me, probably wondering what happened to me being bald.

My wig felt a little itchy, and I actually began to hate the way it felt. There was no way I could wear this thing forever.

All of the sudden, the music stopped and the Principal grabbed the microphone out of the D.J's hand. "Hey guys, listen up! It's now time to announce Spring Formal King and Queen!"

Everyone clapped and cheered, except for me. I wasn't excited for this at all.

"Spring Formal King is..." Principal Smith opened an envelope containing the lucky boy's name. "Corey Sullivan!" Kids around us roared, and clapped. Corey walked up to Principal Smith, and bowed as he got a crown put on his head. I rolled my eyes and didn't clap or smile once.

"Alright, drum roll please," Principal Smith laughed, as he opened another envelope. "Spring Formal Queen is... Casey Gibson!"

I felt like getting up and running away. I didn't want to win, I just wanted to go home. I didn't really have a chance, so I walked up next to Corey. Not many people clapped at first, until I saw them look at Elizabeth and Sierra. Sierra and Elizabeth clapped and cheered, and more people started too as well. There was no doubt, I wasn't as popular as I was about a week ago. Stupid High School.

I stood next to Corey, and crossed my arms as a tiara was put on top of my head. "Thank you," I mouthed to Principal Smith.

"It's time for the King and Queen's special dance!"

My fists clenched, and I breathed in deep, trying to keep from exploding in anger. "I'm not dancing with you," I admitted, turning to Corey.

He looked at me and said, "Are you crazy?"

"Maybe," I replied, walking away.

"I'll dance with you!" Sierra squealed, jumping up and down, her hand raised in the air.

Elizabeth quickly pushed Sierra behind her and yelled, "No, I'll dance with you!"

Principal Smith grabbed my shoulder, and I turned around. "Are you sure you don't want to dance?"

"I'm positive." I nodded.

Corey speed walked over toward me, and tugged on my wig. "Come on, dance."

"Stop that!" I smacked his hand, but that just made him tug harder. It was coming off, I could feel it. If I ran away, it would just fall off. My heart rammed against my chest. "Stop Corey!"

"Then dance with me! Or everyone will know your little secret," He whispered in my ear. How evil was he?

"It's no secret! I don't care who knows anymore!" I yelled back in his ear. The tears were coming, again. I just pulled away, as hard as I could, but his hand was still on my wig. And my wig wasn't on my head anymore. Students gasped, and whispered all gossiping about what they just witnessed.

I looked down, and let a tear drop fall onto my shoe.

"Corey!" I heard someone yell. "Thanks so much for finding my wig."

I looked up. Alice grabbed the brown hair wig from Corey's hand, and put it onto her head. She was completely bald too, except now, she was wearing my wig. I had no idea what was going on. Was I hallucinating?

"I still don't get why you would make Casey shave her head. How cruel," Alice slapped the back of Corey's head. He just stood there, speechless, with his mouth open in shock. "You know, that's abuse."

Alice was helping me! And it was working! Girls were walking up to Corey, and slapping him too. I just stood there, giggling. Revenge, I loved it.

"Why are you bald?" I whispered in Alice's ear, while hugging her ear.

"It's called a bald cap," She admitted, smiling. "Hopefully this event will get the attention off of you for a while."

I took the sparkly tiara off of my head, and put it on Alice's. The Tiara looked better on her, anyway.

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