Chapter 19. Julie.

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Chapter 19. Julie.




Chat began at 2:35 p.m.

me: I'm so sorry I didn't make it!

Jeremy: It's fine, Julie, don't sweat it. Your (Or should I say, "Our Mom") mom already explained everything to me. She was planning on talking to the whole family about it.

Me: Oh. So you know.

Jeremy: Is there any secrets I should know about?

Me: Well, you know about you being my brother, right?

Jeremy: yeah.... That was really crazy.

Me: I know. And that our parents seperated and each kept one child.

Jeremy: How long have you known this?

Me: Since a month ago when I looked in the closet for old pictures of my family. Then I found our birth certificates. Jeremy we're twins!

Jeremy: That's bitter-sweet.

Me: Woah. I almost forgot. Did you really have that giant crush on me?

Jeremy: Yeah. And now we can never be together. Now it's weird. I can't believe I liked you that whole time.

Me: Well, I should also be confessing here.

Jeremy: Confessing?

Me: Yeah. It's kinda going to be hard.

Jeremy: Just tell me.

Me: I've ALWAYS liked you too. It's just, my friends, they held me back. They thought my reputation would be... well, how do I put this nicely?

Jeremy: Ruined?

Me: Yeah. Kind of.

Jeremy: I guess in some way, I'm glad they were there. We never truly were in love... we never kissed or anything.

Me: That's good.

Jeremy: So... now what?

Me: I don't know... this is so weird. LMAO! I can't believe this is happening. I feel like a part 2 to the Parent Trap! :P

Jeremy: It's not really funny. It's heart wrenching, Julie.

Me: Yeah. But if you hide things up with laughing, it gets better, I promise :)

Jeremy: We should hang out soon. Look at pictures of us together, as babies.

Me: That would be awesome. Maybe we can...

Jeremy: Maybe we can what?

Me: Kiss a lil bit...

Jeremy: No, I wish. That would be weird. We're suppose to hate each other now, right? I mean, we are brother and sister.

Me: Your right... that would be weird.

Jeremy: Very.

Me: So, your alright after the Code Z, right?

Jeremy: Yeah. So happy we're alive :)

Me: Totally!

Jeremy: What doesn't kill you makes you stronger:)

Me: Exactly(:

Jeremy: Well, I g2g. You mind me coming over later?

Me: We could IM all night. :)

Jeremy: How about we plan that for another day...

Me: Okay. :) Just let me know.

Jeremy: I shall!

Me: mmhmm! :P

Jeremy: But, can I come over?

Me: I guess... But just for a while. I wouldn't want to fall in love with you, would I?

Jeremy: No. :P Just think we're starting over.

Me: I'll try my best.

Jeremy: good. :)

Me: Bye! See ya soon!

Julie Packa has signed off...

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