Wake Up!

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Yn's Pov: OMG Roc's mom just called me and told me what Roc tried to do to his self ! Like is he crazy !!! Don't he realize he would be leaving two kids behind being raised by a single mother! He needs to think twice when he try pulling shit like that!!
Yn:(arrives at the hospital with the kids walks to the nurse desk ask for Roc's room number)
Nurse:Chresanto August right??
Nurse:Well he's in room 365 on that side Mrs.August (points to the left)
Yn:(Ignores what she called her just walks to Roc's room with the kids when she got to his room she sees his friends his mom and dad this time)
Yn:(walks in) Hey guys
Jas:(runs to Roc's side while his eyes were closed) Daddy??
Roc:(No answer just laying there with his eyes closed)
Jas:(watery eyes) Mommy what's wrong with daddy?
Yn:(don't know how to tell her) Daddy is just not feeling well he's sick right now
Jas:(turns back to Roc)Daddyyyyy please answer me (starts crying)
Yn:(gets next to Jas hugging her while tears coming down nonstop) Can we please have a moment with him?
Everyone:Ok(walks out)
Roc's mom:(takes tiara with her)
Yn:I'm sorry (crying)
Jas:(crying even more) Daddy please wake up please don't ignore me you never ignore me just please daddy wake up.
Yn:This is my fault that you did this to your self I should of just(just started crying) I love you Roc just please open your eyes and talk to me we all miss you please.
Jas:(crying hugs you while you also start crying too)
Yn:(kisses his cheeks and so did Jas and y'all walk in the hall way where the others were)
Roc's mom:(hugs you and Jas while crying) He is gonna be Ok the doctor said.
Yn:But what happened though how did you find him when you went to the house??
Roc's mom: First he was talking to me saying he was gonna kill his self. He was on the floor when I got over there but before he was planning to shoot his self he started cutting his self I guess cause he has cut up marks so he didn't have a chance to kill his self so I guess he just passed out.
Yn:Oh my god (puts head in her hands)
Roc's mom:It's gonna be Ok I promise (comforting you)

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