Chapter Three

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This chapter is dedicated to  @zahraa_nanabhay


Aamanah felt a hand on her head,massaging the soreness that throbed through her head which was a result of her crying herself to sleep.The hand was soothing the pain and her eyes fluttered open slowly and once her vision cleared she saw Nazmeera smiling at her.

"Don't get up now.Let me finish massage your head otherwise it will pain the entire day."

Aamanah closed her eyes knowing it was no use to argue with Nazmeera since she was really stubborn.Slowly the pain subsided and Aamanah sat up.She held Nazmeera's hand and smiled.

"Jazakallah ughti but how did you know that I had a headache?"

"Afwan,I knew because before I am your cousin,best friend and sister.Three in one.Your tear streaken face and wet pillow told me that you cried yourself to sleep at night.When you cry yourself to sleep you wake up with a dreadful headache.I practically raised you so I know you better then you know yourself.Now get up and go take a bath while I get you breakfast."

Aamanah nodded but she didn't get up,she watched how Nazmeera stood up and walked.Aamanah felt confused that Nazmeera didn't look like she was in pain nor did she look like she was walking in pain.

Nazmeera realised that Aamanah was still in bed and she turned around to see Aamanah looking at her,confused.

"Aamanah what's wrong?"

Aamanah's face flushed red and she looked down before looking back at Nazmeera,"You uhmm don't look like you in pain?"

It was Nazmeera's turn to be confused,"Why would I be in pain?" Aamanah's face went even redder,"Uhh you know cause you and Hamza..."

Nazmeera caught on and she blushed a bit.She shook her head,"Me and Hamza haven't consumed our marriage.We hardly even know one another and the only way we have known one another before was because of you.So consuming our marriage without knowing one another would be very awkward."

They looked at one another and burst out laughing."Oh my Allah!This conversation got a hundred times more awkwarder then I hoped it would be Nazmee."

"We found something that we will never ever discuss.Promise."

"I promise."

Aamanah got out of bed and choose her clothes before going into her bathroom.She showered and came out only to find Hamza.Nazmeera was no where to be seen.

Hamza looked at her and was relieved that some of the worries that were on her face the previous day had gone and she looked more relaxed.He saw that Aamanah was lost in her own thoughts so he grabbed her arm and pulled her to him,wrapping his arms tightly around her.

Aamanah yelped in shock but returned his hug,"Hamza,what the hell was that?"

"I missed you how!Anyway where were you lost?"

"I wasn't lost.I was wondering where did Nazmeera go to."

"She wanted us to have some alone time so she went to get your breakfast since they were taking long to bring it."

Aamanah nodded and then she blushed,moving away from his hug.Hamza looked at her curiously,"Why are you blushing?"

"Uhmmm,you and Nazmeera did not...."

She did not continue but he caught up and rubbed the back of his neck,"Yes we did not.We hardly know one another so......"

They heard Nazmeera ask permission to come in and Hamza called her to come in.Nazmeera walked in,her head lowered and she put the tray on the table,"Eat quickly you two.Abi Hamza told Ammo that we leave in two hours."

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