Chaoter Forty-Three

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There was knock on Nazmeera's office door and she looked up.

"Come in." The door opened and in stepped Hamza,his one hand in his pocket and the other holding the doorknob.

"As salaam mu alaykum." Nazmeera greeted him standing up and Hamza moved closer.

"Wa alaykum mu salaam.You look tired." And she was right,his eyes had bags and his hair was messed up.In fact he was also looking dazed that Nazmeera was worried for him of how did he conduct his meetings.

"Yeah.The twins refuse to stop kicking keeping Aamanah up who in turn keeps me up but its getting...." He yawned and looked at Nazmeera with a sleepy look,"Better."

Nazmeera went to him just as he sat down and she stood in front of him,her hands going to his shoulders and kneading the knots out.Hamza grained his pleasure and eventually pulled her on to his lap,resting his head against her own.

"We need to go buy a few cans of paint and paint brushes.Aamanah wants to start this week on the nursery."

"Okay.When do you want to go?" Hamza checked his watch and looked at her with a smile.

"Now?" Nazmeera nodded and stood up.She packed her things away and told her assistant to leave.Hamza and Nazmeera held hands as they walked out.Once they reached the car Nazmeera took the keys from him.

"I'm driving." Hamza sent her a grateful look and got into the passenger seat while Nazmeera sat in the drivers seat.

"Which hardware store do you want to go to?" Hamza shrugged and yawned before answering.

"Builder's Warehouse,the one in town." Nazmeera nodded and put it on the GPS,once it got it she begun to drive.

"Do you think I'll make a good father?" Nazmeera gave Hamza a side glance,shocked by his question.

"Well,you've never been a father and you might slip here and there but you'll survive." Hamza turned to face Nazmeera and grabbed her one hand.

"But do you think that I'll be a good father to my children?Do you think I'll be able to give my children the upbringing they need?My own childhood consisted of mostly my mother and then when I got to my teenage years my father took over.He took over with an iron fist that made me strong and hard.I don't want that to happen to my children."

Nazmeera squeezed his hand,"Hamza we learn from what we see.We have the ability to change things.Right now you have the ability to change what you thought was wrong in your upbringing and with that knowledge you'll be able to raise your children even better.In fact you would make a great father because you a great husband and great son and great brother.All of this relationships have in a way made you ready for this."

Nazmeera parked the car since they reached Builder's Warehouse and she turned to face Hamza who leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her lips.

"Thank you love." He pulled back soon and Nazmeera felt a longing to be with him for longer,was she being greedy she did not know but she wanted to speand some more time with him.

"Will you come spend the night with me?" There was an innocence in the soft tone that Nazmeera used,a weakness that she rarely showed shone through and Hamza nodded.

"Of course.I would love too." Nazmeera smiled shyly and pecked his lips before getting out of the car.Hamza followed and they made their way inside.

"First paint then brushes?" Nazmeera asked and Hamza nodded.

They walked into the pain section and Hamza pulled out a strip with colors,"She wants these colours." Nazmeera leaned over and nodded before pointing at a worker who they asked for that paint and he gave them 6 cans.After that they went to the brushes section and took a few brushers and rollers.Hamza paid and they made their way to the car.Nazmeera helped Hamza put it in the back before taking the drivers seat again.

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