Chapter Eleven

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Nazmeera walked into Aamanah's tent after she was given permission only to see Aamanah sitting on the bed with an amused look on her face as she watched something.

Nazmeera followed the direction of her gaze and bit her lip so that she would not laugh.

There was Hamza attempting to pack a suitcase but everything was spilling out and he looked like he was really suffering.

Nazmeera walked to Aamanah and Aamanah giggled when she looked at Nazmeera who raised a brow in question.Aamanah motioned for her to sit down and she did,then she whispered.

"He rebuked me when I said I want to pack the bag because he wanted to do it himself and here we are."

They both giggled at Hamza who turned around to face them,eyes narrowed and hands on his lips.The women went quite and Nazmeera spoke.

"Seems like someone is too used to Manah doing his things for him." They burst into giggles once again and Hamza scoffed.

"Hahaha.I'm glad you'll finding your husband's struggle funny." At his dry tone their giggles turned to full blown laughter and he groaned,"Why don't you'll just leave if you'll want to laugh at me."

Saying that he turned around to try and close the suitcase but they heard him mumble,"Wonder what's so funny about my struggle?Not my fault that she spoiled me so much that I have forgotten how to do mundane things like pack a bag.Not my fault that I'm so used to her doing everything for me now.And Nazmeera I thought that she would at least help me but no she is also laughing.Hahaha so funny.Women and their attitudes I'll never understand.Why did I ever get married again,no wait why did I get married once then I got married the second time.People make a mistake once and I made it twice.I'm so clever...."

He continued mumbling and the women laughed away at him.Finally Nazmeera felt pity on him and she stood up to go help him.

"Let me help you." Hamza moved a bit so that Nazmeera could start making the clothes right.

As they moved in sync with Nazmeera guiding him,Aamanah watched with a smile on her face and could not help but admire how good the two of them looked.Some may say that she just had a very good heart but she honestly could not find it in her heart to feel jealous of their relationship that seemed to be falling into place piece by piece.

Aamanah watched how Hamza knocked Nazmeera's side with his own and causing her to stagger a little but she returned it.Aamanah laughed out loud when Hamza moved to knock Nazmeera's hip with his own but Nazmeera moved so he hit nothing staggering to a point of almost falling.

Nazmeera turned to look at her laughing also and then she turned around to zip up the bag.

"Done.Hamza I think you can take the bags to the car."

"Yes I will.We leave in ten minutes." Hamza went to Aamanah and kissed her forehead before picking the bags up and walking out.

Nazmeera went stand in front of Aamanah who looked at her with a huge smile on her face,"Why so happy Manah?"

"I'm happy for you and Hamza.Your relationship is falling into place and I'm elated for the two of you.It feels so good to watch the two of you converse and play around without feeling awkward because of me.Its like you'll made to be together and now I can say with confidence." Aamanah grabbed a hold of Nazmeera's hands and looked her in the eye,"I made the right decision to make you my sister wife and I don't think I'll ever regret it."

Nazmeera couldn't help but hug Aamanah,"I never want you to regret it.And I agree with you," Nazmeera pulled away from the hug and looked Aamanah in the eye,"My relationship with Hamza has really grown and its all been because of small things but mostly you.We manage to meet in the middle and I'm happy.Happier then I've been in the past few years and I can only thank you for this.You brought me into this relationship and I know its because you want to see me happy which I am now.So thank you so very much."

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