Chapter Thirty-Four

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As Hamza was about to enter the lift along with Aamanah Ihsaan called out to him and they turned around to face him.Ihsaan looked at Aamanah with a smile,“Aamanah would you mind staying with Nazmeera as Hamza rides down with me to my car?”

“Sure.I’ll help Nazmeera clean up then you can fetch me to go to the apartment.” Aamanah squeezed Hamza’s hand a bit tightly warning him to behave with her eyes before greeting Ihsaan and going into Nazmeera’s apartment.

Ihsaan and Hamza stepped into the lift,once the doors closed and their descend begun Ihsaan spoke,“Look I know you probably don’t like me and I get it but there’s something I need to warn you about.”

Hamza looked at him curiously,“About what?”

“You are hurting Nazmeera.” Hamza took a deep breath,his hand clenching into a fist and he turned to face Ihsaan fully.

“What the hell do you mean by that?”

Ihsaan raised his hands in defence,“Did you not think you romancing Aamanah in front of Nazmeera would not hurt her?” Hamza frowned,breathing deeply and trying to figure out how could that be before closing his eyes and cursing.He had been all lovey with Aamanah in front of Nazmeera unconsciously.Damn it.

“I know you love both of them but maybe your love for Nazmeera is more of an attraction or like right now,because if you loved her you would have been more mindful of her emotions.One thing that I really know though I that Nazmeera really loves you and right now she doesn’t know what to do with those feelings.Try to be a bit more mindful of what she feels.She’s had enough of having people hurting her,she doesn’t need it from the one man she truly loves.”

The elevator doors opened and Ihsaan stepped out looking at Hamza one last time,“Don’t let it be that Nazmeera leaves you before she gets a chance to express her feelings for her.”

The elevator doors closed and Hamza pressed the floor button.Shit,he messed up once again but he refused to lose her.He needed to speak with Nazmeera immediately.He waited impatiently as the lift seemed to go slower than ever and when it finally was on that floor,he got out and rang the bell.

The door opened to reveal Nazmeera who looked tense,“Hamza,Aamanah went up to the apartment.” She begun to close the door but Hamza pushed it open and closed it behind him.Holding her hand he begun dragging her upstairs.

“Hamza what are you doing?” Nazmeera did not get an answer and she asked once again but they had reached her room and he closed the door behind them.Hamza felt his throat grow heavy and he looked down before gathering some courage looking Nazmeera in the eye as she stared at him tense.

“I’m so sorry.” Those words were knives cutting through Nazmeera’s heart even though they were meant to calm the raging storm in her heart yet Nazmeera could not get herself to accept it and she knew what she was about to say would sound bitchy but she had to say it.

“Don’t apologize for something you’ll just do again.” Nazmeera pulled away her hands from his and looked away when Hamza’s eyes filled with guilt.Hamza stepped forward but Nazmeera shook her head taking a step back,“No Hamza don’t.I can only handle so much.You do it to me every time and now I’m starting to doubt whether you really love me.It’s not a nice feeling but I feel it and I don’t want to.I know she’s your first wife but being a bit more thoughtful about me wouldn’t hurt you.”

Hamza closed his eyes at her hurtful tone,it was killing him inside so very much.He did love her,he truly it but he did not love her enough to be mindful about her when he was lovey with Aamanah.He opened his eyes only to see her looking down,tear slipping down her cheeks.He stepped forward and pulled her into a hug.Nazmeera tried to pull away from his hold but Hamza refused to let go off her and eventually she melted into his hold sobbing.

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