Chapter Twenty-Six

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As Hamza freshened up he thought of the weird manner in which Nazmeera was behaving since they entered the room.She had immediately walked to the bathroom and made wudhu before coming out to take her prayer mat and pray.He knew it was nafl salaah since the time for Esha salaah had passed.

Hamza exited the bathroom wearing pants and would have gone to find a t-shirt if he had not found Nazmeera staring out the window,her body shaking slightly.Hamza frowned,it was warm in the apartment and non of the windows were open,the AC was at average temperature so why was she shaking?

"Nazmeera?" He said as he got closer to her and was stunned when she turned around only to wrap her arms around him,burying her face in the crook of shoulder.Hamza felt his something wet his skin and realized that Nazmeera was crying.

"Nazmeera,ya Allah." Hamza wrapped her in a tight embrace trying to figure out what could be the issue.

"Nazmeera,habibty has something occurred that I am unaware of?" Nazmeera did not answer rather her arms tightened and her sobs grew louder.

"Nazmeera what has happened?You are scaring me habibty." He heard her ragged breaths and if it were not due to the fact that Nazmeera's head laid on his shoulder he would never have heard her words.

"Tal....Talha on...on her."

Hamza froze.He was robbed of words.His heart started beating faster and he was put in a state of shock.

Talha cheating on Zeenat?

Hamza would have never expected it but as someone once said:Never expect anything from anyone,the devil was once an angel.

Hamza had to suppress his shock and anger as the woman clinging to him sobbed louder.

"Ya Allah.Shhh." Hamza rubbed Nazmeera's back trying to calm her down a bit,"Shhhhh,habibty." Hamza continued rubbing her back and finally Nazmeera's tears were halted but her body still shook.

Nazmeera blinked a couple of times trying to get a clear vision and then blushed a tomato red when she realized that she had cried on Hamza's bare skin in her disgruntled state.

As she begun pulling back,her gaze lowered Hamza held both her arms and Nazmeera swallowed nervously.

"Naz,will you explain to me what did Zeenat tell you?"

At his words,Nazmeera forgot about her embarrassment and once again tears clouded her vision.Slowly she begun relating to Hamza what Zeenat had told her.

"She is too young to be handling such a betrayal.My sister does not deserve this.Wallah her heart is so innocent and naïve.Why would Talha even think of running her in such a manner!My poor Zeenat." Hamza pulled Nazmeera into his chest when she broke into tears once again.

"Talha has commuted a very vile act.I will speak to him.I will try to make him understand.He cannot do this to Zeenat.It is good that you told Zeenat that she is welcome in our tribe at anytime if she feels like she needs time away from him." Hamza pushed Nazmeera a bit before lifting her head to wipe her tears and kiss her forehead before leaning his forehead on her own,"Please stop crying.You will only get sick.Wallahi I will attempt to talk to Talha and put some sense into his head."

Nazmeera nodded her head which had begun to pain.She had winced and Hamza being the person who notices everything picked her up in his arms,causing Nazmeera to yelp in surprise.

"Hamza!" Nazmeera said slapping his shoulder which made Hamza groan in pain.

"Ya Allah Nazmeera!That hurt!I am still naked." His last words made Nazmeera hit him again just as he put her on the bed.

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