CHAPTER 1: Grumpy Beginnings

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29th November

It is disturbing how much power a single phone call has.

An unexpected call from a loved one can fill you with delight but one about them can leave you with sorrow, or even regret.

No one would want to sit by a phone waiting for it to ring yet here I was, looking at mine every other minute, with part enthusiasm and part anticipation.

It was a bright sunny morning. People were walking on the streets, taking in the sun's warmth before winter set in while I sat in my office cabin, looking out of the window, waiting for this particular call.

I checked my phone for the sixth time in the past five minutes and then took a sip of the Cappuccino placed beside my laptop.

Sarah, my secretary had become quite accomplished at this task. Following my inability to trade my coffee for English tea, she had been making me the same cappuccino for the past three years that I had been here.

I was nowhere near done with my coffee when my phone began to ring. I hurriedly wiped my face, picking it up.

My wait had ended.

I cheerfully answered, "Hello? Good Morning dad!"

Being the CEO of Hudson Enterprises, a telecom company which evolved into a tech giant under dad's tutelage, he was a very busy man.

I couldn't recall the last time dad picked up my call at the first ring or called me to ask how I was. Our calls were always pre-scheduled by his secretary and today was no different.

Dad stated,"Bring your team to the meeting room with your  latest project...and I have something to tell you."

"Sure, I'll be right there," I smiled as if he could see me from the other end of the line.

I would never say it to him because our relationship had become strained, especially in the past couple of years, but I missed him.

I pushed my chair back and walked out of my cabin and upto the lift, retying my shoulder length brown hair into a high ponytail.

On my way, I greeted Eric, the head of my HR team and one of the two friends I had managed to make here.

"How was the date?"He whispered, trying not to attract attention to this rather spicy topic.

"Do not!"I warned him," I can't believe you. A blind date with your brother? You have lost it."

"Umm... What went wrong?"

"The answer to what went right would be shorter,"I rolled my eyes.

His brother, I had met him a few times but five minutes into the date, I knew we were better off as friends.

"I was only trying to help you find a boyfriend."

"Why are you more desperate than I am?"

"Because if you find a nice distraction, maybe you'd let us breathe too, just saying," Eric chuckled.

"There is nothing that can distract me from what I want and if someone does, that's not the right person to be with," I gave him an honest reply.

"If I was in your dad's place, I'd make you the CEO right now for just saying that."

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