|Epilogue- 4:Sunset|

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A/N: Check out |Epilogue-Part 3: Do I?| first.

RPBRPB123 Happy Belated birthday to you.🥳🥳


30th November 2020

I pressed the button for the fifty seventh floor and looked at my watch. It was only two-thirty.

Earlier, Adrian had texted me to come home by three. I was curious as to why he had asked me to do so on a monday when weekday dates were off-limits for both of us due to our busy schedules.

I left my office right after finishing lunch because if I had gone back to work, it is safe to assume I would have never reached here on time. However, now I was early and was half expecting Adrian to not have reached yet.

Once I reached my floor, I fished for the keys in my bag to unlock the door to the duplex condo Adrian and I had purchased last year after months of house hunting.

After the house was fully furnished and decorated, something which took much longer than I had expected, we finally moved in together last december.

I smiled as I remembered how furiously Adrian was blushing when he had first asked me to move in with him.

I went inside and to my relief, he was already here. It would have been disappointing if I had arrived early for once only to have to wait for him to show up.

I put my handbag on the black seven seater sofa in the middle of the room and walked over to Adrian, who was wearing a dark blue shirt rolled up to his elbows and black pants.

He was busy talking to someone on the phone, standing by the floor length window overlooking Central park and the building surrounding it, which lit up at night like starts. One of the reasons why we chose this house...well, actually the one reason that had Adrian's eyes glued to this property ever since we first saw it.

I tapped on his back and waved with a smile as he turned back.

He frowned at me and then looked at his watch,"How are you early?"

"Not the reaction I was expecting. Am I interrupting something?", I asked.

"I just need to make a few important phone calls. You go freshen up. I'll meet you upstairs in ten minutes. Okay?", he said, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"Okay.",I smiled and went straight up to the bedroom.

This room had a tale behind how its interior came to be.

Adrian and me, both sleep on the left side of the bed so whenever we used to sleep over at each other's place, the person who owned the house got the side they preferred. Now that we had both bought this house, we had to come up with a new rule for bed sharing.

After a lot and I mean a lot of arguments over it, I got the side of the bed I wanted.

For free?

As if Mr.I-do-business-not-charity would let me have it just like that.

He traded his side of the bed for being able to get the room designed as per him, with black wallpapers, a king sized bed, two bean bags, a tv, our pictures and a cabinet with trophies but no decorations whatsoever so my dreamcatcher and decorative flower pots had to be tucked away in the storeroom.

I don't know about him but I still feel like I got the better deal.

I decided to take a quick shower while I was waiting for Adrian which turned into a not so quick one but when I got out, he still wasn't here.

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