CHAPTER 13: Competitive Spirits

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Uh oh...

My family relations are the last thing people should talk about but nope...they always start with it. Casey just asked me why I called Kate by her name and not mom. What do I tell her now? That Kate and I don't share such a bond...or that I want to keep that word "mom" exclusively for mine...or that Kate is my stepmother.

I didn't actually hate Kate, of all my family members she happened to be the nicest...most of the time. The only thing was that she reminded me of the fact that dad cheated on mom with her and that I missed out on having a normal childhood because she was in the picture but then she had been very good to me and I did live with her for something around eight years so I had mixed feelings for her.

I had to come up with a reply which seemed pretty difficult so I looked for help and for the first time I was glad that Adrian was sitting next to me.


OK! I had to pull this one off without getting bored. Family dinner is one type of gathering that I personally hate. I would rather sit with Bryan's mom and eat her apple pie. She was amazing but she was not good at cooking so you can imagine my plight!

Kate was talking to Vanessa when Casey asked a pretty awkward question. Knowing Vanessa's complicated family history, I would not blame her if she froze and she did.

I looked back onto my plate. Untouched steak was still waiting for me. I began to eat but no...someone had to stop me. I felt a cold hand grab my arm. I traced it back to who it belonged and found Vanessa looking for help. I had to handle her family too! I authoritatively asked Casey, "Finish your food and then talk."

"You call it a dinner gathering for a reason. You are supposed to talk."

Vanessa looked to Casey and said, "Yes, you are!" with a slight whisper, "Casey, shut up!"

I continued to eat as others talked. It was like this dinner was all about Vanessa! Every one was interested in knowing what she did in London, What are her plans were,etc. If there was anyone else quite except me, it was Nate. If this was the case at his home, I can understand how he felt!

Mom asked Vanessa to pass her the steak platter and she took it, streatching her arm to give it to mom. As she did, mom asked, " Oh My God, Vanessa! What happened to your hand?!"

Vanessa quickly pulled her hands back and sweared under her breath. She pretended not to know what it was and laughed it off but I knew! That night after the sauna incident! Did I really hurt her this bad? Her hand had a bluish-black bruise.

I did not mean to do that. I was angry but my way of showing it was wrong! I felt the guilt come back again so I just excused myself and left to my room.


We were all sitting in the office. Dad was opposite William and I, still recovering from the guilt, was next to Nate. His wife and mother were beside him. Opposite Nate was Vanessa with my sisters and mother.

Will cleared his throat and started, "I have given a lot of thought to this and keeping the benefit of both the companies in mind, I have decided decided to go with

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Will cleared his throat and started, "I have given a lot of thought to this and keeping the benefit of both the companies in mind, I have decided decided to go with..."

He took a deep breath and continued, "Vanessa's proposal!"

A smile grew on Vanessa's face as she looked at her father while Nate clenched his fists. Nate looked at her intensely as she returned his gaze with the same passion.

Dad shakes hands with Vanessa congratulating her and saying, "Every small victory is a step towards a bigger one. Congratulations dear!"

He then turned towards us, "The signing party will be held this Friday!"
Nate said, "I will hire an event planner right away."

William continued from there, " No event planner will be called! I want you and Vanessa to handle it yourself. Consider it to be a test for both of you."

Nate and Vanessa nodded. My dad then added, "Adrian shall help you both out too!"

What! No!!

"Fine. Dad."I replied helplessly.

"You both can choose your responsibilities." Will said.

Nate listed all the details of the party and read it out, " The main events for the party will be:
Welcome Drinks & General Catching Up
Speech by the CEOs
Introductory Speech
Media Interviews
Closing Speech

"The responsibilities will be of:
Introductory Speech
Closing Speech
Venue Selection
Seating Plan
and of course Theme." Vanessa said.

"Who will handle what? Let's start from the speeches." I said

"The Introductory Speech!" Vanessa and Nate said in unison.

Oh! This is not good. I then suggested, "Let us pick chits."

The chits were made and shuffled. They both picked seven each, opened them and placed them on their side of the table.

Introductory Speech

Closing Speech
Seating Plan

Good now we just need to plan a luxurious party that everyone will remember.
Let the preparations began...

A/N: Adrian is going to be a lot more around so maybe things can happen. In the least, I can promise a lot of #Adrissa scenes! Do you like this ship name or should I choose another one?

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