|Epilogue-1: Waffles And Cream|

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A/N: Stay tuned for the other two parts of it that will come as soon as I finish writing them. Thanks for your patience, love and support.

Love you guys😍😍


2nd March

"There is no point of this! I can't do this anymore, Adrian!", I ran my hand through my hair in frustration.

"Well, if you've made up your mind already, there is definitely no point at all.", he huffed irritably.

"I haven't made up my mind...it is just that I...I...," I swallowed, "I don't want to hurt you and I know that if I do this I will be so..."

"So, you made up your mind...like I said not two minutes before."

"Why are you pushing me so much? Will hell break lose if I don't drive again?"

"Heaven too, Nessa! The first thing you did when you turned eighteen was get your driver's license, you can name every car that I have, you have driven half of them too. You love cars, you love driving. It isn't a daily activity for you, it is your passion and now you just want to give that up?"

"I have tried, okay! For the past three weeks that you have been coming over, every morning at six, I have tried but it is not happening! I can't drive anymore. Every time I put my feet on the accelerator, my heart begins to race and my mind became clouded with the thought of every thing that could potentially go wrong. I can't torture myself like this! I can't sit her day after day and disappoint you and me all over again."

I shut my eyes, resting my head on the steering wheel. I was exhausted...mentally more than physically. At six thirty in the morning, I should be having sweet dreams not facing my worst nightmare!

Adrian lightly shook me, "Nessa, get up."

"I don't want to do this." I said, leaning back in my seat, my eyes still glued to the steering wheel as tears brimmed up in them. I couldn't face him. I felt terrible that he was trying so hard and I just couldn't.

"I know you are scared. You have had a horrible experience but you have to get through it. You can't let one incidence change your life, you can't give Blake that much power over you....if you do, he won."

My head snapped back to Adrian's face," Just last week, Blake has been sentenced to jail for twenty five years for one third degree murder, two attempts to murder and other charges. He. Did. Not. Win!"

"So when you know all this, why are you still afraid?"

"Its not that simple...what if I lose control of the vehicle and hurt someone or hurt you?"

"And why would any of that happen? It isn't the first time that you are driving, is it? We are specifically out on the street so early so that no one else would be out here and you get a free lane. What is holding you back?", Adrian reasoned.

I nodded, taking in a deep breath.

I started the engine and gripped the steering wheel tightly, looking ahead at the road.

I took in a deep breath and my heart began to race again as I put my feet on the accelerator. I heard the familiar hum of the car as it started to sluggishly push forward.

Then, the flashes made their way across my head...of Blake's Porshe...the gunshots...and the accident...I instantly pulled out the keys.

I felt horrible, helpless and weak...the three things I never wanted to feel.

"I am sorry.",I whispered.

"You don't have to be. What happened to you is not your fault and the fact that you are trying is more than enough. I am proud of you.", Adrian said, placing his warm hand onto mine.

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