CHAPTER 66: My Girl

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A/N: This took long but I think it is a promising chapter. It is exactly 10,000 words long. This is officially the last chapter of this book and the epilogue will be coming out soon.

Thanks for staying with me for so long and thanks for loving this book as much as I do.

Love you guys. 😘😘

(I just divided the chater into two halves as I realised that it was two long to be read in one sitting)


I didn't know fear could do that...paralyze you but here I was sitting in a car I crashed, my heart beating like a wild animal trying to escape its cage but my body, my body was completely numb.

I wasn't hurt, atleast not physically...mentally, I was in more agony than I could imagine.

I had been in a similar accident just two days ago. Everything from that night was still so vivid.

Gunshots still rang in my ears and I could still feel the cold muzzle pressed against the back of my head.

I shuddered as the thought of what could have happened once again made it's way back to my head.

How could Blake escape?, she would never help him. She would lose everything she had just earned.

Blake's dad? He was a retired man living the rest of his days travelling the world with his wife of thirty five years. They were definitely not a threat. I had ensured that already.

Then how could Blake be here? It was impossible.

Out of the three responses to fear: fight, flight and freeze, I never thought I'd choose the third one.

I guess I know now, why in all the horror movies I had seen, the people didn't get up and run the moment they saw the ghost.

I could hear Adrian's panicked voice, trying to get me out of my trance but I wasn't in trance. I could here him clearly but no matter how badly I wanted to respond, I was frozen in my place, my eyes shut close.

"Vanessa? Wake up!", he kept repeating but it was like he was walking away as he said that. His voice was fading slowly even though I was trying hard to concentrate on it. It became fainter each time he said my name until it completely ceased.

2nd January

I opened my eyes and immediately shielded them with my hand as bright light flooded my vision. I blinked a few times and then looked around the spacious empty room.

I was in a hospital, the familiar smell of disinfectant informed me.

I slowly got myself to get off the bed. I ran my fingers along my face to look for injuries or bandages. Fortunately, I found nothing.

I was contemplating what happened and where my fellow passenger was when the front door opened.

Adrian walked in with a coffee cup in his hand, alongside Bryan.

"Hey!", I waved with a weak smile.

Adrian's eyes widened and he would have dropped the cup if Bryan hadn't grabbed it from him.

Adrian quickly walked up to my bedside and before I could say or do anything, I was pulled into a breathtaking hug...literally.

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