CHAPTER 25: A Silver Lining

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11th December

"You did what?!", Adrian asked for the third time.

"I. Got. The. Main. Server. Of. The. Hudson. Enterprises. Hacked.", I repeated, word by word, in exasperation.

"You get caught, you are going to jail.", He stated the obvious.

"I wouldn't have done it without calculating the risk. Trust me, I won't get myself arrested and sent to some stinky prison filled with madmen."

"I wish you did.", Adrian said under his breath.

"Hey! I heard that.", I whined and he smirked cockily.

What an ass!

I rolled my eyes and said, "This is important."

He nodded and got up from his bed, at the edge of which he had been sitting on and I passed him my laptop. As he started reading the paper trail that I had found, I began pacing across the room.

It was about the same size of Casey's and Charlotte's room, I guess. I took in the details of the room like the New York skyline wallpaper behind the headboard of the bed with dark blue and black bedsheets, matching the colour scheme of the room. On the left hand side was a textured brick wall with shelves filled with trophies, medals and photo frames.

In front of me was a wall clock, a big TV screen and below it, a cabinet filled with magazines, newspapers and a few books. There were doors, on each side of it, one leading to the bathroom and closet and the other out of the room.

On the right hand side of the room was a two-seater sofa and a small side table. Behind it were large curtains covering the entire wall. I tugged on them but they didn't seem to budge.

Adrian said, "It won't open like that."

"Why?", I knit my eyebrows together.

Adrian sighed with disapproval and then picked up a remote from the side table that I hadn't seen. He pressed a button on it and with click, the curtains started rolling up. Oh!

Once the curtains were no longer in front of the window, I looked outside and gasped.


The New York skyline, now just silhouettes of buildings with light brimming through the windows were visible from outside and blended completely with the wallpaper inside.

"Beautiful, isn't it?", Adrian said, beaming with pride as if he owned the skyline.

I just nodded and kept staring outside the glass window. Yesterday, I had stayed over at a hotel. It was too late and I was too tired to drive and I didn't want to damage the Lamborghini in my half-sleep-drive mode. When I had returned back in the afternoon today, Dad had found me and had started lecturing me about how immature I was.

I sighed and looked up at the sky. It was cloudy, very cloudy. We could expect snowfall by tomorrow morning. Temperature outside was dipping but, here in the warmth of the central heater, I could easily roam around the house with a thin sweater. I pressed my forehead to the cold glass window but then...

"NATE IS A CHEAT!!!", Adrian shouted as he literally slammed the flap of my laptop shut. I ran towards my poor laptop and craddled it in my arms as if that would protect it.

"Adrian, careful! This is my laptop not Nate's!!", I screamed.

He took a deep breath, trying to cool off his anger. "I can't believe it. Did you tell your dad?"

I shook my head in a negative. Adrian had just found the documents that Nate had carefully hidden on his laptop. Today, when he went to the office and used the WiFi, Stephen's spyware copied all of his computer's data.

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