CHAPTER 47: Kissing Is The Easy Part

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The moment our lips met, a burning desire ignited within me. He parted his lips away from mine, looking at me, the colour of his face matching my dress.

He knotted his brows, trying to read my expression, probably rethinking what he did but I didn't let him.

I pressed my lips against his once more, wrapping one arm around his neck and the other, tangled in his hair. His hand moved from my face to my back, trailing down my spine, making a gasp escape my lips.

He closed the space between us, as if there was any which existed. He kissed me harder this time, more intensely. It was as if he was hungry, he had a sudden need to kiss me and I was way too familiar with it, I felt the same way.

When his lips left mine and moved to my neck, I drew a ragged breath. My lips ached to meet his, once again. This was not going to end here and there was no going back but then I remembered something.



"Stop! Adrian, stop. Stop.", I said, gasping for air and pushing him away from me.

He took a step back, withdrawing his hands that had already stated tugging on my zip but he had questions, a lot of them. He asked me the smallest one for him and the hardest, for me.

"Why?", He frowned, still heaving.

I thought of the best way to explain it as I looked at him. His lips had red lipstick stains and his tie was slackened. The first button of his shirt was gone. All was my doing. I went back to his searching eyes and said, swallowing a lump of air guiltily, "I have a date tomorrow."

"You don't have to go.", He reasoned.

"I do.", I said, looking away from him. I couldn't bear to. This was my fault. I should have never let him kiss me but if it was wrong, why did it feel so right?

"I don't understand."

"I need to go.", I said, placing my shaking hand on the cold door knob.

"Not without an explanation.", he said.

"I promised Blake a date, I have to go and I can't be a hypocrite. I can't complain to you about my sister and do the the same to Blake.", I almost whispered as I stared at my feet. My guilt was weighing down on me, heavily.

"You aren't dating him. Yet.", He frowned.

"But I intend to.", I said, biting down on the insides of my cheek.

"I really don't...wait.,"He said and suddenly his expressions changed. He looked at me, almost disgusted before he acidly said,"I do get it. He is twice the man I am, right?"

"Adrian, no. Don't bring that up again. I...", I pleaded.

"Forget it.", He said and then drew a deep breath before saying, "Goodnight. Vanessa."

He turned around and started walking back to his room but then he stopped. I was surprised he hadn't hurled an insult at me yet. Probably, he was going to do it now.

I held my breath when I realised that wasn't why he stopped. I looked at the two people who had just walked upstairs. It didn't take them much long before they realise what had happened.

Paula looked at me while Matthew's eyes were fixed at Adrian. I quickly opened my door and ran inside, shutting it more loudly than I had originally intended to.

I quickly switched off the lights and slipped under my blanket but I knew I was not going to get much sleep tonight. I laid there, wide awake, contemplating the past few minutes and the plethora of emotions it had made me feel. The smell of his strong deodrant was gone.

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