CHAPTER 52: Second Chances?

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The aroma of the sausage casserole and blueberry scones filled the room. The tree was redecorated and had gifts under it, my work here was done. Now, I just had to wait and enjoy the look of surprise on everyone's faces.

I went up and showered with warm water and then put on a white skater dress and brown knee high boots. I straightened my hair and left them loose over my shoulder.

I tried calling Adrian but all I saw on my screen were six missed calls from me to him. I sighed as I kept my mobile on the table and headed downstairs.

"There she issss. ", Charlotte sang.

"Vanessa! Thank you so much for everything.", Paula said, as she smiled.

"After all you guys have done for me, it was nothing but my duty and...oh! I forgot to tell you about your presents. They are under the tree. Why don't you take a look.", I said, smiling at Kevin.

"Really?", He asked.

"Yup. Santa left it for you last night.", I said, crouching down to his level.

"Did you see him?", He asked innocently.

"No. But he did finish the cookies and milkshake you had left him.", I said, remembering how despite the entire fiasco during the party, especially with Adrian throwing the tree, Kevin didn't forget to do his part.

He ran up to the tree and began tearing off the wrapping on his gift. I smiled at Paula, "Santa got you something too."

"Did he? I wish he'd give me my son back, for Christmas atleast.", She said sadly.

"He'll come around. Trust me.", I said, putting my hand on her shoulder.

"I hope so too. I am so glad you're here.", She held my hand.

"Me too.", I smiled earnestly, thinking that this was the closest I'd ever have to family. I loved these people.

We unwrapped the gifts under the tree. I had a few too. I opened them one by one until I stumbled upon an unnamed package. I frowned, as I opened it.

There was a cardboard box inside with something in a lot of bubble wrapping. I opened it layer by layer until I finally had a glass photo frame in my hand.

A photo frame is the most thoughtless gift ever but only when it's empty. This one had a picture in it, one that I very vividly remember. It was from the Hudsons Christmas card, five years ago.

I looked at myself. There was a wide smile on my face. How innocent and oblivious I had been back then. My gaze flitted to the others, my apparent family. Dad was sitting on a chair with Kate on it's arm. Nate was standing behind Dad with a hand on Jeniffer's back while I stood next to Jeniffer, with my arms wrapped around her tightly in a side hug. We were so close back then but now the only thought that crossed my mind was if she was so happy because she had a secret crush on Jacob. I sighed as I traced my cold fingers over the picture.

"Miss them?", I heard a guttural voice. I turned back to see Matthew leaning over the sofa, peering into the picture. I handed him the photo and he analysed it before he said," Your father asked me tell you something, once you had seen his present."

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