CHAPTER 26: Every Snowflake Is Unique

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I woke up in the morning, slightly shivering and I knew exactly why. I kicked my blanket off me and quickly rushed over to the window. I drew open the curtains, just to be greeted by snowflakes falling down from the sky. The sky was grey but the sunlight still found its way to the ground. It was all too bright at first, considering that I had just woken up and it took my eyes a minute to adjust to the absence of colours. I craned my neck to look at the ground.

Below,everything had been painted with a thin sheet of white. There was no sign of the once green park or the statues that now looked like weird snowmen. It was as if the world had become a canavas waiting to be painted by the colours of summer in a few months again. It was a wondrous sight. How much I had missed this in London. If there was anything I would return to NYC for, it was snow. Winters were always my favourite.

Most people, I believed were snuggled up in their warm blankets, sleeping in and enjoying a lazy sunday. This thought suddenly made me crave for some hot choclate and a good book to read, probably right under the central heater, the replacement of an old-fashioned hearth.

However, I did see a few people outside their homes, using shovels to plough snow out of their driveways, brush off the snow from their car roofs and off the front porch but such brave people, especially on a Sunday, were definitely a rarity.

I followed my morning routines and debated whether to wash my hair or not because hot water was bad for that sort of thing and the so called 'warm water' was cold and the cold water was beyond questions.

So, after a quick hot bath I pulled my greasy hair on top of my head, into a sleek ponytail only to open it a minute later and to braid them in a side ponytail. After that, I dressed in a pair of jeans, a blue full t-shirt and an oversized thick sweater and went down for breakfast.

Except for my dad, everyone was already there and as if Paula had heard my wish, today the juice had been replaced chocolate!

The maid came with some hot pancakes. I poured some maple syrup on mine and began to eat. Dad did join us later, once he had finished packing for his three days trip to Moscow for some bussiness convention.

"I am going to the airport. The flight will leave as soon as the sky clears up.", Dad said as he got up to leave when I stuffed the last bite of my third pancake in my mouth. I nodded and followed him to the door along with everyone else. Once he left, we returned back to our seats.

When only one pancake was left on the serving plate, I debated whether or not to eat a fourth one. Hmm...I could always exercise later, right? I reached out for it but so did Adrian. I debated whether or not to take it but then decided to let him have it. I could always take another one when the next stack came and this was his house after all but to my surprise, he left it as well and said, "Go ahead.", motioning me to take it. I eyed him questioningly but then took it anyway.

Never did I expect to see chivalry in him. I quickly ate it and chugged down my hot chocolate and when I was finally satiated, I asked, "What is the plan for today?"

"I don't believe that we will be going out anywhere.", Paula said thoughtfully.

"Not even to the garden?", I asked.

"When it stops snowing, you surely can there but why?"

Now I turned my attention towards Kevin and smiled, "I was thinking of a...snowman."

At this his face lit up, even brighter than the summer sun. He exclaimed, "We will make a snowman! Yes! Mommy, can I?"

"Why will I have a problem, you can definitely do that.", Charlotte smiled.

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