CHAPTER 40: Destiny's Call

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I thought of the ways in which I could apologise without being straightforward as I watched her roam about the room, picking up her clothes, sandals and other stuff and tossing it into her suitcase.

I shook my head when I couldn't come up with anything. It wasn't my fault, her loitering about the room was too distracting and so I finally asked her, "Where are you off to?"

"The Tealeaf."


"It is a hotel. 45 mins from here, I guess."

"You got a room?"


"It is very late. You could go tomorrow.", I proposed.

"Nope. It is ok."

"I don't have a problem with you staying over another night, you know ?", I pressed further.

"Oh really? That is nice to hear.", she said, rolling her eyes.

"You don't believe me?", I frowned.

"I do. Of course I do. It is just that the fact that you locked me out of the room, didn't pick up any of my calls or reply to them later and when you did show up downstairs, you began flirting with a random girl instead of making amends. And then you want me to believe that you don't have a problem with my stay here and that you are not just sharing the room because my dad requested you to help me and you couldn't find a way out.", she narrowed her eyes, crossing her arms.

"I...err...geez...I am...uh..."

"Let it be! I am never getting an apology out of you. You are to stuck up to just say sorry.", she said, returning back to zipping her suitcase.

I had to do it now or she would be gone and the guilt won't let me be at peace. I never even felt bad after dumping girls in a week or saying I didn't remember them after a night stand but her, I do not know why she made me feel that she was my responsibility. I would rather handle a hundred projects for a day than her.

"Alright then. I am...", I took in a deep breath," ...Sorry."

Vanessa turned towards me with raised eyebrows, hands on her hips,"You don't mean that. You are only saying it because I said you couldn't."

"No, I do mean it. I don't think I can explain why exactly I did what I did but my brain kind of just shuts off when I see Blake and then seeing him taking to you made me lose my mind. I am genuinely sorry."

"Forget what I said about you being stuck up. That was...I don't even know what to say, I..."

Before she could complete, the doorbell rang.

"Food", she stated as she went to open the door and returned back with a waiter holding a tray. The guy laid down the plates and bowls on the table, in front of the sofa and left.

She sat down beside me and quickly lifted the dish cover and the aroma of the chicken sandwich filled the room.

"Wow! I didn't know you liked grilled sandwiches.", she said, picking up her sandwich from the plate.

"Not a fan.", I smiled, picking up my own sandwich and taking a bite.

"Then why did you order it?", she frowned.

"Why do you think?", I arched an eyebrow.

"Oh!", she exclaimed and then took a bite of the sandwich, staring at her plate. She tried to hide it but I noticed the colour rushing up to her cheeks and I laughed, "Vanessa Catherine Hudson, are you blushing?"

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