CHAPTER 20: The Day Before D-Day

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8th December

I woke up in a place I didn't know. I looked around, taking in everything I saw. It was well lit, there was a dresser, a cupboard, a really pretty Chandelier, a study table with books, a king size bed on which I was lying and a lot more decorations, specifically lilac and white.

I prodded up on my elbows and sat upright. From the design of the door, I knew I was back at the Greys mansion. There was no mistaking those white doors with frosted glass having intricate floral designs. I have been to Charlotte's room and it had more of a pink tone to it so I was guessing that it was Cassandra's.

I looked behind me, on the wall of the headboard. It was a picture wall. I used to have one too. I stood up on the bed to take a closer look. There were pictures of them on vacations, Charlotte's wedding, Kevin's christening, corporate parties, etc.

I can't believe how perfect a family can be. I secretly envied them though. I wanted a perfect family too. I sighed.

I kept looking at the pictures when one particular one caught my eye and made me smile. It was one with Cassandra and Adrian. it must have been of more than five years ago.

It was a picture captured at the perfect moment. A snowball fight! And from what I saw, Mr. Grumpy pants was losing. Casey looked a lot younger and Adrian, well he looked a lot less grumpy. I can't believe I am going to say this but a laughing Adrian is definitely more sightly and attractive.

What? No. Don't judge me! I wasn't ogling at his picture and in my defense he was one of the sexiest men alive. I don't say so, the People's magazine of 2015 and 2016 does.

Wow! I just realised, I didn't even know how I got here. Last thing I remember was that I fainted. I looked down to see that I was in the same work clothes, just my jacket was gone. Then I turned to the clock. It was one! I peeped out of the window, thankfully it was still a night.

I sighed with relief. I couldn't risk waking up late on the final morning for preparations. I walked out of the door and went downstairs. The lights were off. Everyone must be asleep. Where was Cassandra though? Hmm...

I walked to the office room and well, the lights were on. I opened it just to see Adrian working on his laptop. Seriously, if there is some.person who can stretch work for long or hours than me, it has to be him.

This time, he did look up when I entered. In fact, he got up from his seat!

"You are awake.", He stated the obvious.

"What the hell happened?", I asked.

He pointed towards a seat for me to sit down and then followed suit.

"Where do you want me to start?", He questioned, raising his eyebrows.

"The point where I fainted...right at the beginning."

He took a deep sigh and the leaned back in his chair with his arms crossed across his chest and then said, "I was working when suddenly you fell on the ground. When I realised that you had fainted, I decided to call for help to get you to the car, I realised that no one was in the office and when I decided to call luck was not so good today and my mobile's battery was dead and I left my charger at home apparently so...err..."


"I had to carry you downstairs to my car."

I choked on this, "YOU DID WHAT!"

"Don't even start with it. You aren't the lightest person to carry on this planet, you know."

This was so damn embarrassing.

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