CHAPTER 57: Forever Is Not My Cup Of Tea

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A maid opened the door and Adrian and I walked in. The maid led us to the drawing room where we waited for the family members to arrive.

The house looked different than what I remembered. Not a good or a bad different but a strange one.

I walked across the room to see the various pictures hung on the walls. Some of them I remembered clicking myself, some were new but the detail that stood out the most to me was my absence in these pictures.

I sighed and looked back at Adrian who too was examining the room, though he was seated at the sofa, his legs loosely crossed.

"When they can't even include me on the wall, why do I expect them to do that with their hearts.", I said bitterly.

"Calm down. We are giving this a last shot. If it works out, good. If not, we leave but you've got to try to see, right?",Adrian said and I nodded.

"Hello, guys! What a surprise!",Olivia said, walking in.

I stood up to give her a side hug and Adrian gave her a brief smile. Next came Nate with Avery, who was wailing, in his hands.

"I think she is hungry.", Nate said to her and then briefly smiled at us.

"No, honey! That's not the hunger cry, that's the change my nappy cry.", Olivia said, holding back on the smile that had begun to form on her face.

Nate sighed and took her back in.

"Where is dad?", I asked.

"Papa will be returning back soon. He has gone out with Mama, Jen and Jacob. They were looking for wedding venues.", she smiled and then looked horrified, unsure of whether she should have told me that.

"Oh! Have they decided a date?", I asked with a smile on my face.

I don't know why but Jennifer and Jacob didn't seem to bother me much anymore. It was either that I had become immuned to them or maybe it was because I had far more important things on my mind. I had a strong feeling that it was the latter.

"Silly me! I haven't asked if you'd like to drink something. Anything?"

"No that's fine.", I smiled.

"I'll take an espresso.", I heard Adrian say from behind.

"Okay. I'll get it made. You both can look around the house if you want.", she said and then turned around to leave.

"Wait, Olivia!", I called out," my stuff still up there.",I asked nervously.

"Yes. It is. I'll get it opened for you and cleaned."

I smiled and then flopped down on the sofa once Olivia left.

"Not so bad.",Adrian said.


We both sat in silence, lost in our own thoughts until Olivia returned and took me upstairs to my room.

My room was probably the only thing in this house that I recognised. It was as if nothing had been moved for three years but that couldn't be possible. The room had been cleaned regularly for there wasn't that musty smell that all unkempt rooms have.

I walked around the room, taking in every detail once Olivia shut the door behind me and left.

There was the study table in one corner , next to the window. There was a beige been bag next to it, on top of the rug. On the other side of the room was my bed. Behind its headrest were some of my pictures and the framed awards that I had received. The third wall had another door, leading to my closet.

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