CHAPTER 14: Speak To The Devil

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Now we were even.

I liked to do almost everything on the list. Almost! I wanted the introductory Speech but who cared anyway.

Brutus addressed Rome first, still it was Mark Antony who left an impression on them.I too could write an exceptional speech.

Tomorrow, first thing in the morning, I had to think about a theme. For now, I better see Nate and Olivia off ,as Kate would go back tomorrow evening, and get some time shut eyes.


After seeing them off I did make it a point to speak to Cassandra and pull her aside.
"Hey, what's up?"She asked.

"I wanted to talk about something." I said.

"You and Adrian, both make normal conversations so mysterious that it would be better if you were in a murder mystery novel." Cassandra rolled her eyes and I chuckled.

"You asked earlier why I don't call Kate - mom."I said coming back to the topic.

"Oh!Ya, I did but you asked me to shut up."

"Kate is my stepmom."

"Wait!What? But...but then why do you have her name as your middle name?"

"My middle name is Catherine with a C. Her name is Kaitlyn with a K. So we call her Kate."

"Oh! That is really confusing. Umm...I am sorry though."

"Nah! That is fine!"

"Congratulations for the meeting." She said changing the topic.

"Thanks. Good night."I said as I was too tired to continue this conversation and I could really use some sleep.

"Good night." She replied as she hugged me and then left upstairs.

I turned to leave too but then my eyes found his blue ones. They had this unreadable expression that I never understand. When he saw me looking towards him, he just lightly nodded in approval to I don't know what. Then, he averted his gaze and left. I bet he was a secret agent in his previous life!!

I left for my room too and as my head hit my pillow, I was out like a light.

5th December

It was 9:00 am and I had been up for the past half an hour, looking for a good theme. All I could find was 'Christmas'! I would love to throw an early Christmas party but wouldn't anyone else too? I wanted to do something out of the box...

*1 hour later*

OH YES!! This could be done. We could keep an 'Around The World Party' as a lot of our clients are from different countries. It also could signify our trade relations. Now that's deep!

"Nice work, Vanessa!",I said patting my own back.

I went down for breakfast and of course everyone else had eaten. They say that the family that eats together,stays together and the Greys definitely follow that.

I went to the kitchen, fetched myself a piece of yesterday's leftover cake and made my way to the office room.

Technically no one was at home right now. Adrian must be at Greys &Co. Dad, Kate, Matthew and Paula had gone out for a healthy golf competition while Charlotte and Cassandra had gone to get Kevin who had gone on a trip to his Dad's place.

I next flipped through some bussiness magazines . It is really boring to be at home alone! I looked at the stuff on the table and picked up Adrian's visiting card.

A Trade Of Hearts |✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora