CHAPTER 50: Satan Santa

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This chapter is dedicated to my best friends, who always have my back and who mean the world to me.

Love you guys.😍


"You don't have a problem with it, do you?", Lauren asked.

"Of course not. This is the key to Vanessa's empire.", I smirked at Vanessa as she scowled.

"Sorry?", Lauren frowned, not understanding the reference.

"Oh nothing. Get on with it.", I said, stepping off the white background.

Vanessa took her position, visibly pissed. Did she really think I wanted to get another cover photo with her? After yesterday, I don't think so.

It was a good thing that Elysa was free last night but after she came over to my place, I just wasn't in the mood and I told her I needed to sleep and I was sorry to call her so late.

It was definitely because of the jet lag, right? It had to be.

Ever since the Hudsons arrived, our house has became like the set of a soap opera that Charlotte would definitely binge watch.

The photographer demonstrated how Vanessa was supposed to pose and she imitated him exactly. When she was done with three pictures, I was called upon.

The guy instructed me to stand beside her with my hand on her waist while she was leaning her head away from me. We did click pictures in few other poses but the photographer and Lauren liked this one the best. It was in true sense, a professional cover. Neither of us was smiling, looking at the other and looked distant, to be honest. It was nothing like the picture for Eccentric, for which I still had mixed feelings.

While we were winding up, my phone began to buzz.

"Hi mom.", I said, after reading the caller ID.

"Adrian, where are you? You better return home quickly. We have to get the tree finished by tonight."

"I know. I am almost done. I was just here at the People magazine's studio for an interview."

"People Magazine, was it?", she asked.


"Isn't Vanessa there too? Charlotte told me."

Of course Vanessa told Charlotte.

I rolled my eyes," Ya, Vanessa is here."

"Oh thank god. Now I won't have to persuade her."

"For what exactly?"

"For not skipping the tree decoration."

"And why not?", I didn't like where this was going. I knew from the tone of her voice, mom wanted me to do something.

"You both are coming home together, right?", mom asked as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"No! No! No! There is no way that I am going to be her chauffeur.", I said desperately.

"If you are returning back to the same place, what's the harm? Plus it saves fuel.", she persuaded me.

"And since when do we have to bother about the feul. If you want feul, I'll buy us an oil company."

"Don't get so cocky. Think green, Save the planet? You were taught that in school. I remember you drawing those cute little egg shaped Earths because you couldn't get your circle right."

"Mom! What is the actual motive behind this?", I said, seeing clearly through this facade.

"This will give you a chance to rethink."

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