CHAPTER 27: An Onslaught Of Icy Spheres

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This chapter is dedicated to ChinthanaC. Thanks for the votes.


I launched one of my snowballs in the air. As it hit him, Adrian turned around to face me and I asked, "Are you going somewhere, angry bird?"

From behind me, Cassandra chuckled.

Adrian warned, "Not the best time for this, Vanessa."

"Why? Are you scared of a little snowball fight.", I teased him as I launched my other snowball which he dodged skillfully.

"Not . Now!", He said, his eyes turning the darkest shade of blue I had ever seen them. I swallowed a lump forming in my throat.

Yes, he was angry and pushing him furthur might result in him taking all his pent up anger and frustration out on me but I was not going to let him walk out of here like that. It had just snowed and the roads were extremely slippery. If he drove his car in blind rage, it might not turn out good for him and I so wanted a Merry Christmas, after all too many had been ruined for me.

I called out for Kevin, because I knew Adrian wouldn't be able to refuse him. Kevin, in an instant ran up to him and began tugging on Adrian's coat, asking him to play. Adrian glared at me one last time and then accepting defeat, picked Kevin up from the ground and walked over to us.

I smiled triumphantly and then knelt down to shape another snowball. What started now was an onslaught of icy spheres. The experts vs The Amateurs! Not too difficult to guess who were who, right?

By the time I got up, two more snowballs ready in my hands, a snowball hit the back of my head. I jumped and then quickly turned to see Adrian aiming another one at me. I ran to the right, dodging it and threw a snowball at him but missed terribly.

He mocked at my aim, giving me a challenging smirk, "Is this the best you have got?"

"Guess not!", I said as my other snowball hit him straight in the chest. He charged behind me and seeing that I was defenseless, considering the fact that Charlotte and Kevin were busy defending themselves from Cassandra, I quickly ran.

Adrian had definitely vowed revenge for making him play this game and he wouldn't leave me alone until I surrendered but both of us knew I wouldn't back down without a fight.

I took a sharp left turn towards Casey and picked a heap of snow, rolling it quickly in my palms and throwing it at Adrian. However, he had superhuman reflexes and ducked seconds before it hit him. I rolled my eyes as he smirked again.

This chase went on for a while and I ran in close circles around Kevin and from behind Charlotte, Adrian following close behind until I finally slipped on the ice.

I prepared myself for the fall, pressing my eyes shut but instead found myself hit something big and warm as strong arms wrapped tightly and rather protectively around me. I didn't need to look up to know who it was, for that deodrant had now become strangely familiar.

The impact,especially because we were running, was too much for him and it wasn't long before we both embraced the cold snow. He took most of the fall as I was on top of him.

I looked straight into his intoxicating blue eyes and for a split second, I felt a desire igniting within me that I had never felt before.

What was he doing to me?

"Get a room already.",Casey laughed from behind and I snapped out of my trance.

I quickly rolled out of this awkward position, wriggling myself free from his grasp, heat rushing to my cheeks.

Once I was on the snow, I lay flat, laughing hysterically, partly out of embarrassment but mostly thinking about how stupid yet hilarious this entire idea of a snowball fight was. It was like what I would have done as a kid, had I been born in a normal family.

I turned my face towards Adrian, still laughing and clutching onto my stomach as it began to hurt. He was sitting on the ground, dusting the snow off his perfectly gelled hair, his face flushed.

It had to be because of the cold, right?

He pressed his lips in a thin line.

No! He wasn't angry, he was trying to hold back his laughter but a few seconds later when I snorted in the most unlady-like manner possible, he just couldn't help himself and fell back on the ground laughing.

We laughed for a solid five minutes and if laughing could give you abs, I would have been ripped by now. Once he finally composed himself, Adrian stood up extending his hand for me to get up. I was too tired from laughing and nearly breathless so I wrapped my fingers around his palm and in one swift movement, he picked me up from the ground and onto my feet.

"Oh God! I am so done for today.", I stated as I bent down to hold onto my knees and catch my breath.

Soon after, we walked back in, weary after such an adventure. However, Adrian did leave for his office. It was a Sunday, he shouldn't be doing that but I didn't say anything, as if that would have stopped him anyway.

I smiled at my new achievement, even though a large part of the credit went to Kevin. I had successfully tamed a beast because that it exactly what an angry Adrian Greys was!

For the rest of the day, I talked to Cassandra and Paula as Charlotte was too busy on her mobile for most part of the conversation. I wondered what she was doing because she was texting someone and smiling and that was definately a first. Adrian didn't return that night, he must probably have been in his penthouse with some girl or probably even Rebecca, if she was still around.

By the end of the day, I was really tired. All that running around had made made my weary and I could barely keep my eyes open and sadly, tomorrow was a Monday! I had a project meeting so I had wake up early in the morning and go through it one last time, and if that wasn't bad enough, my meeting was scheduled with none other than the overly punctual Mr. Adrian Greys.

If it hasn't already been figured out, this was the same project I originally came to New York for. It took Sarah, my secretary one entire week of follow ups to finally get a date for the rescheduled meeting. I just hoped all went well, atleast better than last time.

12th December:
I adjusted my black blazer over my belted grey tunic as I checked my appearance in the elevator's mirrored walls. I untucked my hair from behind my ear and subconsciously scolded myself for being so nervous.

I was early, for once! That too by about half an hour. What could go wrong?

Adrian's secretary had told me that he was in his cabin so I went directly there. I cheerfully opened the frosted glass door just to be greeted by a crash.

"YOU ARE FIRED! Get the hell out of my sight.", Adrian bellowed at a terrified employee who stood there apologising for something. There was a broken, rather smashed glass pen stand dangerously close to his feet. I assumed that that that was where the crash came from.

Good lord! Last time I had been late so he had been angry, today I was early but he was still the same. Though I was not the subject of his anger, I was pretty sure that he was not going to see a project he had once refused before. In fact, I was pretty sure I was going to lose it this time if he hurled any more insults my way because or reason I knew he would. I was pretty sure that even last time, my being late was not the only stimulus to his anger.

However, why me every god damn time?

I was really starting to think now that the problem was this project itself. It was definately jinxed!

A/N: So what do you think about this new one? 😂😂

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