CHAPTER 64: The Ace Up My Sleeve

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"Though you already know her, meet my friend, Dorris Walters.",I introduced the brand new CEO of Walter's Pacific.

"Happy New Year!",Dorris waved hesitantly.

The look of shock on everyone's face was so hilarious that I couldn't stop grinning.

"So the rumours are true! You did dethrone Blake, huh?",dad frowned.

"Wait! You didn't tell them?",Adrian looked at me accusingly.

"I didn't do much, I just suggested her to not let go of a good opportunity. ",I glared at Adrian.


He had some nerve showing up to my house after last night.

I was just trying to be as decent as possible by not yelling at him in front of my family and create a scene like I so wanted to.

"So you invited Dorris here because...",Nate arched an eyebrow skeptically.

"Now that unlike Blake and Adrian's rivalry, Dorris is actually my friend, I thought it would be a good idea to invite her over for brunch.",I replied.

"Very thoughtful. Please take a seat Dorris. Happy New Year to you!",Kate said and we sat down before our plates.

All of a sudden, Adrian asked,"Do you guys know what happened between Vanessa and Blake, two days ago?"

"I called Kate the very next morning. I told her how Blake and I got into a fight. He tried to hurt me so I filed a case against him.",I quickly replied, my eyes fixed on Adrian.

Kate said,"Thank god you did call. The way some of the media houses are blowing things out of proportion, it is horrific. I mean, some news channels are even saying that he tried to kill you, can you just imagine?"

I hadn't released the footage of that to the press yet and still there were such rumours. It was scary to imagine what they would say if I had released it. Maybe they'd think I was dead or had been reincarnated or something.

"That's stupid. He is not a psychopath, he just doesn't handle drinks too well.",I laughed sarcastically as both Dorris and Adrian narrowed their eyes at me.

Before someone could say something else, I picked up a big piece of cutlet and stuffed it in my mouth, saying," Yumm! The food is so good! We should just eat now!", in a desperate attempt to draw everyone's attention back to their plates.

Thankfully it worked.

I took another huge bite out of my cutlet as once again my mind went back to the events day before yesterday.

Blake was in prison. I knew he couldn't hurt me but I still couldn't help but feel...scared? No, helpless.

The feeling of what could have happened if the police hadn't shown up at that exact moment had been devouring me up inside, so much so that I just couldn't sleep. Everytime I tried, I'd wake up with the same event playing out in my head over and over again. I guess surviving after coming so close to death did have its perks.

What was I thinking when I made this plan in the first place? I should really have taken some professional help.

And then there was that sinking feeling about how no one would really care if Blake pulled the tri...

"Vanessa! So?",Jennifer asked me, waving her hand in front of my face and I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Ya. I agree.",I smiled, pretending to have heard whatever she had said.

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