CHAPTER 7: Hot Wheels

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After yesterday, I expected him to leave me stranded in the middle of some deserted road and when I did arrive, he could scream at me for being late again. There was no way that I was going with him.

"Adrian? You can drop me off at the main road. I'll get a cab from there.", I suggested, following him to the parking garage.

Considering how persuasive she was, Paula could ask the guard at the gate if we went together so this was the safest plan.

He nodded and went inside the garage. The moment I entered I was flabbergasted.

One...two...three...twenty-seven! There were twenty-seven unique cars in there.

"All of these are yours?" I asked, trying my best to downplay my excitement.

Adrian replied, "Eleven of these and the Lamborghini."

"You have a Lamborghini?" I screamed.

Mom had bought a toy Lamborghini for my doll when I was five and I had asked her if I could get a real one, when I grew up. She had told me that if I worked hard enough, someday I could buy one myself. Ever since, it had been at the top of my bucket list.

Adrian looked back at me with a smug smile and then walked over to a matte black Lamborghini. I quickly fell in step with him. My hand reached out to touch the scissor door, but it was ripped away.

"What do you think you are doing? If I get a single scratch on my car, I swear to god...", he grabbed hold of my bruised wrist making me wince.

He immediately let go, looking at me with wide eyes.

He rubbed the back of his neck and sheepishly spoke, his voice barely audible, "Um...The Lamborghini is not designed for everyday use. I only drive it when I am going to some fancy event or if I need to get somewhere fast. Right now, we will go in that one."

Adrian unlocked the blue Maserati parked behind us and quietly slipped into the driver seat and I got into the seat beside his.

When we crossed the main road and he didn't stop the car, I stated, "You were supposed to drop me here."

"No need. I'd rather bear you for an hour than have you come late to my meeting again," he said, looking straight ahead.

I decided not to protest and take him up on this offer. I rested my head against the window, looking outside at the high-rise buildings and much of the ride passed away in silence.

When we entered the parking lot, I decided to voice the question that had been bothering me since morning.

I asked, "What is this meeting about?"

"If this is your attempt at small talk, let me tell you clearly that I am not interested."

"You don't have to be so rude. I had a genuine question."

"Genuine? As if your dad didn't brief you about the meeting beforehand," he scoffed.

I shut my eyes and exhaled, reclining into my seat.

Adrian stopped his car in an area enclosed by white paint, which I assumed was his private parking space.

He frowned, turning to look at me, "He did tell you, right?"

"He said it is a new business venture," I replied, not meeting his questioning eyes.


"Th-that's all," I clutched the handle of my handbag as my unease grew.

I didn't want to talk about my strained relationship with dad to anyone, let alone him., the guy who was so loved by his father that he let him take over his whole company pre-retirement.

"I take it that you are not on your father's speed dial," he passed a nonchalant remark but for a number of reasons this hurt me more than it should have.

I snapped, "If being daddy's favourite makes me turn out like you, I think I am good."

I expected a snarky remark but Adrian let out a stifled laughter, much to my surprise.

Before I could step out of his car, Adrian stopped me," Vanessa, take this. You might need it today."

I looked down at the white handkerchief he was holding out.

Now, I definitely did not have a cold so why would he be giving me a...he was mocking me for last night, wasn't he?

"You are...the worstest person I have ever met," I spat.

"That's not even a word.", Adrian rolled his eyes.

"I guess words can't define how much I hate you," I said and stormed out of his car.

He had a way of getting onto a person's last nerve.

I walked into the elevator and went straight up to the assigned floor. As the elevator door opened I saw Dad standing beside Matthew who was shaking hands with someone.

The man talking to Matthew turned to look at me and I froze, recognizing a rather familiar face.

I don't know about me, but this man's name was definitely the first one on dad's speed dial.

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