CHAPTER 23: Salvaging The Remains

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Adrian didn't say a word. He just sat on the bench, beside me. What was he even doing here? He was supposed to be signing the partnership papers by now. Wait! How much time had I wasted, sitting here wallowing in self pity?

I sat there, almost paralysed with my eyes plastered to my hands, which rested in my lap. This was embarrassing. There was rarely anyone who had seen me cry.

Wait! I take that back. I cried when I was sad but also when I was angry so a lot of people had seen me cry but it had been long since I had last cried. I was happier back in London.


Away from trouble.

But now I was in New York...I drove away the many thoughts of how I just wanted to run back to London and pulled the coat closer to my chest as if it would hide me from the world. In moments like these, I truly wished I had an invisibility cloak.

The coat smelled of a very strong and masculine deodrant and it brought my attention back to Adrian who was lost in his own thoughts.

I slowly asked, "Will you say something?"

It came out more as a croaked whisper and I cringed at the sound of my own voice.

Adrian adjusted himself on the bench as he intertwined his fingers together, staring at the street as if he was in deep contemplation.

I would have made a joke about the air of mystery around him but right now my emotions had been overpowered by grief and their was nothing I could think of other than that.

Adrian turned his face towards me and sighed, "What happened back there?"

I thought about the million complaints about Rebecca that I had to make but then again, I couldn't always blame someone else. It was not going to change anything.

Redemption was in my own hands and revenge, least for now. So, I took a deep breath in, composing myself and looked up to him, saying, "It was my fault."

Adrian didn't say a thing. He kept looking at me as if he was studying me and trying to search for some answers. After what felt like an year, he looked away and I could bet that I saw his lips curl into a brief smile but then it was gone.

What was it? Approval? Did he know what I was thinking? I guess I'll never know.

He stood up and streatched his hand out. In it, was his car keys. "Drive home.", He deadpanned.

A small smile cracked at the edge of my lips as I saw Adrian's car keys, not just any, but his precious Lamborghini's, that he was so against me driving a few days ago.

I took the keys from him and picked up my pumps, one of which was near the bench while the other, in a bush. I dusted it off, put it on and was about to leave when his hand held me back by my shoulder.

"Are you going to be alright?",He asked.

I merely stared at him. For the first time, I could understand the expression in his eyes. It seemed as if Adrian wasn't making an effort to hide it. I never thought I would ever see concern in his usually cold, distant eyes, atleast not for me but the fact that I did, it comforted me. Probably that is why he didn't make an effort to mask it.

"I'm good. Thank you.", I said as reassuringly as I could.

He just nodded and then we quickly parted ways. He went back to the party and I, without giving a second thought to our interaction, walked to the car . I drove back home for that is what the Greys' mansion had become. 'Home', a word I could relate to with them, more than with my own family.

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