Chapter 10

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One week later

There's the moments in life where you know something is going to end. You wish it wouldn't but you know it's inevitable. You get this feeling inside where you know it's just not working anymore.

I'm feeling that right now.

I'm feeling that if we can go one week without talking to each other. Then it's not working out. It's been a week since I've had a conversation with my boyfriend. We would film videos and go on set, do what we have to do, and leave without a single word.

Is that the way Noah and I's relationship should be? Is it just a rough patch that will past through?

See I have a feeling it's not gonna past. Almost having sex with Noah created awkwardness and no communication. If Noah and I did have sex we probably wouldn't be talking for months. I know I should talk to him but I'm not the one who walked out on him.

No man should ever do that. I need a man who can act like a man. I don't get paid to babysit him and that's exactly how I feel about this entire situation. Okay, maybe I don't babysit him. That may have been over exaggerated, but I'm trying to understand why I'm feeling this way or why I want to break up with him. Deep down inside me I know I'm going to regret this but it's what I need in my life right now. At least it's what I think I need. When I moved out here I didn't have plans of dating and when I joined Smosh I definitely didn't plan on dating anyone I worked with. That was not what I planned at all.

I need to find Noah. 


Noah's POV

Well, I screwed up. I can't face her though. It's been a week since I've talked to her and honestly, it's eating me alive. 

"Noah you've been pouting all week, what's up." Shayne says.

"Nothing I'm fine."

"Really, cause I don't know if you know that everyone knows that you've been avoiding Anna all week."

"Shut up. I haven't been avoiding her it's just...complicated."

"What happened?"

I sigh. "If I tell you, you have to promise me that you won't say a word to anyone"

"I promise"

I look down and look back up to Shayne. "Anna and I almost had sex." Shayne immediately spits his drink out and chokes a bit.

"Why that reaction? I'm dating her and we've been together for awhile now."

"Well one, because I didn't think it was about that and second you and Anna are like 12 years old." He laughs

"Thanks Shayne, I feel so much better."

"Okay okay, you did the deed, so what"

"That's it. We didn't, I stopped and got up and left"

"You're an idiot."

I look over to him giving him a 'still not helping' look.

"Just apologize." He says

"But Shayn-"

"No, you should know by this time in our life that women are always right even if they're wrong"


I stop when Anna walks into the room.

"Noah we need to talk"


Anna's POV

"What do you need to talk about?"

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