Chapter 15

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Please read the authors note at the end! Thank you!

Noah is coming over in about 10 minutes and I honestly don't know why I told him to actually come over. I'm not really sure what I'm expecting from him coming over but I hope he doesn't expect much. Noah is kind of my weakness so I honestly might except anything. I was the one to break up with him so I feel slightly responsible for the past events but I'm only human. Noah is just one of those people who make me happy. Like, the rest of Smosh makes me happy but Noah's presence lightens my mood. Even when we were broken up except there was a little bit of sadness added on he still seemed to make it a little bit better.

*knock knock*

The moment of truth. I wonder what he's thinking.

Noah POV
I've been standing outside Anna's door for a while now and I'm honestly losing my mind. This is a make it or break it conversation for our relationship. I'm nervous though. I'm constantly over thinking everything. I wish we could just start where we left off. Not me running out after us making out but the part where we could live together.

I know that she's probably over thinking this but maybe that's the problem. Maybe we shouldn't think. Maybe we should just do it. I'm just gonna knock on the door now.

*knock knock*


"Hi, Noah. Uh, come on in. We'll talk on the couch"

"You redecorated?"

"Yeah, I wanted to have a different vibe. It's more serene in here."

"It does seem more peaceful"

"So...uh we were going to talk."

"Yeah. I wanna get back together with you"

"See I don't think its that easy. Noah, I may have somewhat forgiven you, but I still don't have time for a relationship. Between rehearsals and Smosh. I have no time."  

"We don't need time. We need each other Anna. Let me move in as we planned to before our breakup. Then anytime when you're not doing anything I'll be here already."

"Noah, there's no way. I'm letting you move in here. That's just crazy. As much as I want to get back together with you. Now, it's not a good time."

"It's never going to be a good time we're both so busy. After this play casting directors are going to be all over you."

"This is just too much to think about."

"Then don't think. Don't think something through for once. Let's live and get back together. Just say yes."

I have some other stuff up my sleeve if she sa-


My eyes widen.

"You can move in"
--------------------------------------------------- Edited 1/23/19
Very short chapter and I apologize but I just wanted to get them back together. I will tell you though, Tanner will be back next chapter. So expect drama.

Shout out goes to.... @Vee_Daa
Thank you for the compliment about my writing in chapter 13 it made my day. So everyone go follow her...

I will be changing my username and stuff soon I'm working on a new cover for Weird and Tutor, which if you have go read the prologue it's about BTS. Comment when you read it cause then I'll know if I should update it. Jungkook is the main character but the other members will have a storyline which will hopefully lead into other books. Weird might have a sequel but we'll see where I take it.

Again sorry for the short chapter...

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