Chapter 23 (Final)

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Today's the day of my sing through for my play. Its been a long time coming but I think I'm ready for it. It's the first time I'm singing in front of a big crowd that's gonna be filled with critics, celebrities, producers, screenwriters, and most importantly Smosh.

Everyone in Smosh, from the cast to the crew, will be there. Without them, I don't think I would have ever even gotten into musical theater. Without Joe or Noah, I really don't think I would've done it. Speaking of Noah he still hasn't come home. Well, he has when I wasn't there cause some of his clothes were gone. I just have a feeling he's not gonna show up tonight. I understand that we aren't on the best of terms right now but he knows how much this means to mean and if he has ever had some kind of feelings for me he would be there..right?

"Anna why are you sitting there looking so sad. You should be excited you're about to debut your singing skills to everyone." Olivia says.

"This is a big night for you Anna" Courtney adds

Olivia and Courtney had come over before and we're gonna ride there together.

"I am excited. It's just that I want Noah to be there but I don't think he will be."

"Anna, if Noah is smart he'll be there you've worked hard and he loves you. He'll show up." Olivia says

"Noah loves me? Ha, he sure has been showing" I say sarcastically.

"Anna im-" Courtney begins to talk but get interrupted by Noah walking in the door. Everything seems to stop in place and Noah is looking at me and Courtney, Olivia, and I are staring at Noah. Maybe he came here so he could come to the sing-through with us Maybe he does care.

"Anna, Olivia and I will be in the car." I nod to them.

Its just silence for a good 5 minutes between Noah and I. It's sad that we can't think of anything to say to each other. There is one thing I need to know though. If he doesn't know anything about it or forgot then, I know it's over between us.

"Do you know what today is?"

His head tilts to the side for a bit.

"Should I?"

"Let's just end this now Noah. If you don't know what today is then I don't think our relationship will ever work."

"Anna you're overreacting, tonights just your sing through."

"It's not just a sing-through Noah. This is the beginning of my new career outside of YouTube. And I'm not really upset about that."

"Then what."

"Tonights our 6 month anniversary. Seeing as you forgot that's as far as I think we'll go."

"Anna i-"

"Forgot. Yeah, I know you did."

"I'm sorry Anna, but I still think you're overreacting. I have some place to be so let's finish this conversation later"

"There is no later Noah. If you don't come tonight, then I know where I stand. While you're here you can pack up your stuff while you're here. I've got to go."

Leaving him standing there was hard I have to say. Maybe I should've never been in a relationship anyway. I get a text and I grab my phone from my bag.

From Courtney
There are fans outside the building put your shades on.

At least someone is there to look out for me. Walking past the fans this time was different. I didn't take pictures with them I ignored them. I heard some say they saw Noah walk in and now I'm leaving without him and that we must have fought. Geez, these guys are smart. I hop on Olivia's car and we take off. They don't ask me questions they just give me reassuring glances through the rearview mirror. I can get through this breakup with them. I know I can

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