Chapter 20

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Please read Authors Note at the end :)


"Noah, did you forget to buy the tomatoes"

"No, I just didn't buy them."

"What the hell Noah. I gave you a grocery list for a reason. Why can't you do what I asked?"

"One, it's not that big of a deal. Two, I don't like tomatoes, so I didn't buy them."

"Noah..oh my god I needed those for a new Youtube cooking series I'm doing on my channel. This is getting ridiculous." I raise my voice.

"Anna, It's fine I'll go and get some."

"It's too late for that Noah. I'm sick and tired of you not getting things because you don't like them. Literally, last week you were supposed to get me Indian food but since you didn't like them you got me McDonald's. Yesterday you were supposed to get me a Pumpkin Spice Frappe but you don't like them so you just got me a Sprite. You do this all the time."

"Anna chill"

"No I won't chill. What if I didn't buy peanut butter just because I don't like it huh. You would be mad too."


"Are you kidding me right? That's all yo-"

*knock knock*

"Who did you buzz in now? Is it another homeless guy? I swear to god Noah, I will slam the door in there face"

"That was one time and I didn't buzz anyone in"

I open the door and...


"Mom?" What the hell is she doing here? She doesn't even know about Noah. Let alone that I live with him.

"Oh honey, I missed you so much. Look at you-you're getting kind of tan. Oh, your boobs look bigger too, you must be shopping at VS now or something."

"Momma, stop you're embarrassing me."

"There's no on-...oh who are you?"

I'm dead. "Uh, mom this is Noah. My boyfriend."

"Oh my goodness. Hello, I'm Isaura Avren. Not that I'm not excited to meet you but it's 2 in the morning what are you still doing here mister. Not too mention alone with my little Anna."

"Well I- uh- you see- I kinda of- um...yeah" Noah stutters before slowly walking into the kitchen.

"Anna what is that boy doing in your house this late. Also, why don't you have makeup on if you're with your boyfriend you're supposed to impress them not make them run and hide."


"I'm only joking you're beautiful with or without makeup but seriously what is he doing here"

"Well you see, he kind of lives here"




"We live together."

"Oh, my...have you sinned."


"Have know. Done the dirty."

"MOM! You're not allowed to ask me personal questions." 

"Whatever. As long as I get a grandbaby I'm okay no matter what you do."


She laughs and continues to walk through the house. I leave her be and go find Noah. Once he sees me he stops pacing and walks up to me.

"Why didn't you tell me your mom was coming?"

"What? I didn't even know she was coming. Not too mention how she got up here without buzzing in. She does things like this. She gets what she wants all the time somehow."

"You could have given me a warning or something first"

"Do you not understand English? I said ' I. Didn't. Know. She. Was. Coming." I throw up my hands."

"Whatever. I'm going to bed"

"What why?"

"I'm not in a 'Meet-The-Parents' mood."

"Go ahead and run away from your problems like you always do."

"Do you like trying to make me angry and hurt my feelings"

"When you act like a 16 year old I do. It brings me a lot of joy."

"This is your problem. When something doesn't go your way you always try to hurt people around you. Just like you did to Courtney after the whole text incident."

"I didn't mean to say that. Plus, I apologized. What I say to you I always mean and I definitely won't apologize to you."

"I'm going to Damien's house."

"You're not just going to leave. Not in the middle of this conversation."

"This isn't a conversation. It's an argument. One that I don't care to have right now."

"Like I said. All you do is run away from your problems. Grow up a bit Noah."

"Gosh, you're such a bitch."

A bitch...okay

"If you go to Damien's don't bother coming back."


"I don't think you want to live with a bitch. So, if you go don't come back. Or you can apologize and can stay here."

"Like you said. What I say to you I mean and I certainly won't apologize." With that, he leaves.

I walk to away trying to find my mom. Making sure to hold in the tears

"Momma, can you go buy wine." I say sobbing.

"Honey, you're unde- oh my goodness. I was trying to ignore you guys yelling but I couldn't and you're crying. Why?"

"I told him if he goes to Damien's house to not come back and he went to Damien's and even repeated what I said earlier." I say resting my head on her shoulder."

"Oh dear, go lay down and I'll go to the store and get a bottle of good wine. This is strictly for relaxation purposes."

I smile before going into my bedroom and turning the TV on. I think I'll watch a K-Drama. I have to finish the Heirs so I guess I'll do that until my mom gets back. 

Another day and another fight with Noah. When is this going to end? Do I even want it to end?

----------------------------Edited 1/23/19

Another fight. This chapter will be the segway into the end of the book. Since I think it will only be about 21-25 chapters long instead of 30-35.

Also, this book is almost at 2K reads and I couldn't be happier. Thank you guys so much.

Shout out this chapter goes to......*drum roll*.... @5violet . Thank you for voting on multiple chapters of my book means a lot.

Don't be a ghost reader. Vote, Comment, Share, and Enjoy!

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