Chapter 17

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Today I have rehearsals and seriously I'm getting tired of Mike making me run the kiss scene with Luke repeatedly.

Ever since I've gotten back with Noah I've been very picky about how I act with other guys. He didn't ask me to but I feel like I at least just owe him that. Joe is here with me today. I could tell even he was uncomfortable with the amount of times I had to kiss Luke.

"Does Noah know about the kiss scene?" Joe asks

"Yeah, he does. We weren't even supposed to have a kiss scene there isn't not one in the movie but Mike insisted."

"Well, just ask him about it cause I don't know how he'll feel about it now that you guys are back together."

"I see your point. I'll talk to him when I get home.'

"Ahhh, right you guys are living together. How's that going?"

"Surprisingly well."

"That's all?"

"Yeah, what else would there be."

"Well not to bring up the past but I know why you guys ended it last time so has that topic been brought up again."


"Just nope. Come on Anna spill the tea."

"What tea? There no tea to spill. We just haven't talked about all....that"

"You can't even say it. Your such a child" He laughs

"Oh my gosh leave me alone," I say and hit him with a magazine.

"Seriously though, I'm really happy for you guys."

"Thank you"

------------Edited 1/23/19 
So this chapter is only 244 words but I just needed to update a little cause I don't know when I will be able to again.

Go check out my story Fanboy. It's a Park Jimin fanfiction and it's a social media writing style. He's in BTS.

Also please leave comments, they make me so happy!!!! Shout out will be in the next chapter.

My Twitter: @kookcized

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