Chapter 14

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Anna POV

Today, I invited the Smosh squad to my rehearsal for a squad vlog. As happy as I am that they're here, I am very nervous for them to see me singing and dancing. All they've seen me do is film YouTube videos and edit them. I talk to a camera for a living. Don't even get me started on my skits. I haven't done one since I started working at Smosh, I've just been so busy. Right now, everyone is sitting in the makeup room watching me get mine done. 

"Anna, that looks absolutely disgusting. Why do you have to wear so much?"

"Thanks, Kieth, but for the audience to see it, we have to put on a lot. It sucks to take off though."

"Makeup is dumb." Noah says

Courtney, Olivia, and I all turn to look at him.

"Take it back" I say

"No. Makeup is dumb."  

"Take it back" Courtney repeats me

"You girls and wearing makeup. All it does is make you seem insecure."

"Take it back" Olivia says and steps closer to Noah.

"Makeup is something fun to do. Being able to change things like how your bone structure looks just putting contour on or even hide blemishes." Olivia says

"No one should want to change how they look or cover anything up"

"Oh really Noah, cause I remember you coming to my apartment a while ago asking me to cover a pimple on your face." I say.

His face goes red.

"Oh my god. Exposed." Shayne says.

"You said you wouldn't tell anyone" Noah pouts.

I shrug and turn back to the mirror so the makeup artist can finish.

"Anna you need to be on stage in 5 minutes and your guests can follow Vernon so they can watch in the seats down below."

"Thank you, Amanda"

I get up. "Enjoy the practice run"

I walk out after saying bye to the camera and also saying how they can only show a little bit of the rehearsal for copyright reasons blah blah blah.

The director, Mike walks out as soon as I see the Smosh Squad sitting down.

"Listen up people Anna and Luke are going to go through the song When We Have Love(on the side) and through the kiss scene. Be all lovey-dovey my darlings"

"I thought we were going through the kiss scene tomorrow"

"Plans changed, sweetheart"

"Mike, can I talk to you for a second."

"Anything for my star"

I smile and lightly pull him off the stage.

"Mike I've never asked for anything but my ex is here cause I work with him and I'm not sure he'll be comfortable with me kissing Luke in front of him"

He sighs "Darling you're an actress. He may be uncomfortable but he's you're ex. You shouldn't care. I know your relationship is complicated but it's the price to pay in this business."

"I need to make the audience believe."

" need to make me believe"

He walks off and I follow.


Luke: Father, no more nonsense about me marrying a princess. Perhaps it is time for a change. Welcome, Ro. 

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