Chapter 16

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*one week later*

So I know I was a little concerned about getting back together with Noah plus having him move in with me but I'm being so serious. There's something different because I've felt like I'm on cloud 9 all the time.

Maybe I expected everything to feel different but after a couple days everything just fell into place. His belongings fell into my house perfectly too.

"Anna! Come on, we have to get to the studio. I'll drive so you can finish your makeup in the car."

"Noah you know I can't do that. Imagine what would happen if I did my eyeliner in the car. You know it would be a disaster."

"I actually don't know. But I do know  that you look good without makeup."

He leans over my shoulder and pecks my cheek.

"Hey hey hey watch the highlight."

"Whatever hurry up."

"I just have to put on mascara and setting spray."

He groans loudly as I laugh at him.
Noah and I walk into the Youtube space hand in hand ready to film the next Every Blank Ever.

Sadly, Tanner will be here today and it'll be the first time he'll see Noah and me back together. To say I'm nervous is an understatement and honestly, I'm scared of how he'll react.

"You know Tanner we'll be there." Noah says

"I know I was just thinking about that. Hopefully, he won't make today difficult"

"He hasn't been around since we got back together, so he might be surprised."

"We'll see what happens. "

Walking into the makeup room we say hello to everyone before getting our makeup done. Noah waits for me to be done before heading to the first location which is at a park.

When we arrive I spot Tanner immediately and my grip tightens on Noah's hand. He nudges me and when I look up he gives me a reassuring look.

Once we make it to the spot where everyone is I immediately see Tanner eyeing me down. His eyes glance down and his facial expression turns so scary to where he could scare a demon away.

I look up to Noah and see him looking at him too but instead of getting scared like I did Noah pulls me closer.


One more shot and we're free to go and Tanner hasn't said a word. Everyone is tired and ready to go home and all of us are in the last shot.

"Hey, can we shoot this again from a different angle and can Anna stand by Kieth and not Olivia." Tanner says and I move to my new spot.

"I actually don't like that Anna move by Shayne." I move once again and we reshoot. He keeps having me move for different scenes and has put us behind schedule

"I change my mind go back and stand by Oliva but while you're talking put your arm around Olivia's shoulder."

"Why? In this scene, Olivia and I don't even like each other. Why would I put my arm around her."

"Are you really going to argue with me."


"Listen I'm in charge right now and if you don't listen i-"

"You'll what?"

"Guys I think we have enough shots let's all go home." Ian says walking off towards Tanner and grabbing his shoulder to turn him towards him to talk.

I storm off to my car. Noah right behind me.

"I can't believe he just made us redo all those shots. Filming has gone like 2 hours over. What the hell. He knew we were tired but he continuously did that"

"Babe, don't worry about it. He just jealous of us."

"He's going to continue doing this what if it gets worse. Like what if he gets me fired."

"Smosh isn't going to fire you. Do you know how many people you've brought to the Smosh family? A lot we got a ton of subscribers on all channels. They won't give that up."

"So I'm here for the views and subscriber count." I laugh

"You know what I mean."

"I do. Thank you, Noah. You always seem to know what to say."

"That's what I'm here for."

He leans over and gives me a quick kiss before driving back home.
●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●Edited 1/23/19

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