Chapter 12

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Read authors note at the end please...

Anna POV

Tanner and I were in the car on the way to my apartment.

"Noah is unbelievable. Can you believe that he said that to you?"

"I'm not mad. I should have talked to him first"

"No you didn't. The only person who needed to talk to Noah was me about a month ago. If I had then we wouldn't be in this situation. Everyone would have been happy"

"I wouldn't have been" Tanner says as he glances over at me.

"What do you mean?"

"You would have stayed with Noah. You wouldn't have started hanging out with me at all."

"Tanner I talked to you when I first got here."

"Not as much as you do now. You only started talking to me now because you needed to vent to someone and I just so happened to have been in the room."

"So what? I don't talk to everyone on a daily basis. I don't even see everyone everyday."

"I help film your show every single time."


"Yeah exactly"

"Well don't be mad. I'm a busy person and you should be happy that i'm here with you now on the only free time i'm gonna have for a couple days"

"You're right. It's just that you had this amazing relationship with Noah. I want to have that with you."

"I was with Noah for a long time. Even though we were friends for 3 months before we dated we were still really close. That's why we had a good relationship."

"See we've been friends for a month. Noah had 3 months to get to know you."

"Then you should be lucky that i'm going on a date with you after a month."

"I don't feel like it. It seemed like you said yes only to get him to leave you alone. I saw your face when I asked you. You were gonna say no. When I was talking to Noah you never even looked at me. Only him"

"Tanner you're making a big deal out of nothing."

"You still love him don't you?"

"I don't love Noah. I could've but he ruined that."

"You're lying to yourself."

"Why are you nagging me about this. Seriously, this is the most you've ever complained about anything. I'm going out with you. That's what you wanted. You should be happy. Besides we're just having fun anyway."

"Anna I'm 25 years old. I want to settle down. This isn't just fun for me. I want a real relationship that could lead to marriage in a year."

"Tanner, I'm only 20 and in a year I'll be 21. I'm not getting married before I'm 23 or 24."

"Then you don't need to go on a date with me."

"Well, like you said I only said yes to get Noah to leave me alone."

"Take me home"

"I'm sure you can take the bus." I stop the car and unlock the door.

He steps out of the car. "Grow up Anna"

"Have fun on the bus."

I drive away.

I push the call button on the dashboard and call Olivia.

"You won't believe what Tanner just did."

"Hey-uh Anna N-"

"He seriously had the nerve to get angry at me for having a relationship with Noah. I was like "so what I was friends with Noah for 3 months before we dated, you should be happy that i'm going on a date with you after a month." and he was like "I don't feel like it." Then this boy was like "I saw the look on your face, you were gonna say no but then said yes to get Noah to leave you alone" like he can't be serious..."

"Uh, Anna..."

"Oh I'm not done. Then I pretty much said why are you so triggered. Then I was like us going out is just fun. The he was like I'm 25 i want to settle down blah blah blah i want to get married in a year. Then I was like well i'm only 20 and i don't want to get married before i'm 23 or 24. oh and not to mention he accused me of still being in love with Noah. Seriously it's been a month. Like, no i'm not in love with Noah. Well...i still have some feelings for Noah but that's in the past then he was all like whatever take me home, then i told him to take the bus and made him get out then he told me to grow up. Olivia I hope your not busy right now cause I'm coming over with wine and yes i know I'm underage but I really need this right now an-"


"Geez Olivia i'm trying to rant right now."

"You're on speaker and Noah is in the car."

"oh shit"

"You still have feelings for me"

"No I don't I lied. I gotta go Olivia. Tell me when you get home then I'm coming over"

"Uhhh, okay bring the clothes and spend the night Don't forget we started posting Summer Games stuff tomorrow"

"Okay and okay. Bye Olivia."

I'm such an idiot.

------------------------------------------Edited 1/23/19

I apologize that it took me so long to update and for such a short chapter. Also, I didn't really want Tanner to seem like an annoying person but I just had to.

I really hope I have some BTS fans reading this because I'm think about making a story about one of them. It would take place in America and some of the words would be in Korean but mostly in English and as the story goes on they'll speak less English cause in the story the girl would be there English tutor. If anyone would be interested in that story write something on my page.

ANDDDDDDD...WE'RE ALMOST AT 1K READS AND MY PROLOGUE IS ALMOST AT 200 READS WHICH IS AWESOME. Thank you guys so much for reading this book. When people comment, vote or anything it honestly makes me sooooo happy.

I'm also going to be doing the occasional shout out. So this weeks Shout Out goes to @LilMissDavies she's helping me with ideas for this book so go read her books and follow her. If you want a shoutout all you have to do is comment on any chapter of my book.

Don't be a ghost reader. Vote, Comment, Follow, and most importantly Enjoy!

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