Chapter 13

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After spending the night at Olivia's we're off to work. Since I drove to Olivia's house we're taking separate cars.

We arrived at work at separate times cause I stopped and got Courtney, Boze, Mari, and Olivia some smoothies because I'm a good friend. Also today is the day where I avoid Tanner and Noah. For one I'm still pissed at Tanner for being a dick to me yesterday and two I said all the things about Noah yesterday including that I still had some feelings for him while he was listening. I didn't know he was listening but still it's kind of a big deal.

Now I need to keep myself from slapping Tanner because walking into the offices he's standing at Courtney desk which just so happens to be next to mine.

Come on Anna, if you could ignore Noah for a week while you were in a relationship you can just as easily ignore Tanner. We never had any real relationship besides being friends so who cares. I walk behind him and sit in my desk after I give everyone there smoothies.

"Here Courtney" I hand her a smoothie.

"Aw thanks." She shooed Tanner away before coming over to me.

"Why are you not talking to Tanner."

"What do you mean?"

"He was standing right there and you didn't say a word."

"That was Tanner?" I smirked.

"Come on Anna don't act dumb. What's happening?"

"I'll tell you later."

"Fine but you're taking me out to lunch."

I laughed and began typing away on my computer. Mainly reading emails and responding to people on Twitter but hey they stopped assigning me stuff to do ever since I started working on the play.

Speaking of the play. The opening day is in 6 months. Time flies when you're having fun, am I right. Anyway, things are going halfway good, if that makes sense. Like sadly I've already had a close encounter with Tanner but there's no sign of No-.

"Hey, Anna" My eyes widen quickly side glancing to Courtney who has the same look of shock on her face.

"Hey Noah uh, what can I help you with?"

"Oh, nothing. I'm just saying hi. Can't I be nice?"


I'm not going to ignore what you said in the car."

"I didn't say anything at least not to you. I did say something to Olivia but not to you."

"Anna come on don't be like this you said you still had feelings for me."

'No, I didn't."

"Yes, you did"

"No I didn't and even if I did, now isn' the time."

"It is the time. You're not busy and I'm not busy. Let me take you out to lunch."

"Nope, I'm going out to lunch with Courtney"

"Anna please"

"I'm going to go out a get some stuff for a video" I stand up to leave.

"Let me come with you." he grabs my arm

"No, and let me go."

"I'm not going to ignore what you said in the car, Anna."

"Yes you are and you know what else you're gonna do... you're going to leave me alone."


"I'm serious Noah. I broke up with you for a reason, and I'm not going to just ignore that just because you ended up hearing a conversation that wasn't meant for you. So leave me alone."

I walk out to my car.

"Hey, Anna" I turn and see Olivia.


"Do you want me to come."

"Yeah sure. That would be great."

Noah POV

"Noah, you really can't take a hint." Courtney says.

"She said she still has feelings for me. Shouldn't I at least try?

"I understand that you know now that you made a mistake but Anna isn't ready. She's busy. SHe has auditions, rehearsal, Smosh videos, and her main channel videos. Don't even get me started on all the promo she's doing. Noah she doesn't need a boyfriend right now. I don't think she will for a while. What she needs right now is a friend. So if you're gonna be anything to her, it's only gonna be a friend."

"Courtney I don-"

"You don't have a choice, Noah. Either be her friend or nothing at all."

I sigh. "You're such a mom, Courtney"

"I try"

"Courtney...if I become Anna's friend again will she ever feel the way she used to about me."

"I don't know. I do know that she loved you. Whether she realizes it or not she did. Some part of her always will love you but things change. People changed. I know you changed. The people you are now aren't the people you were 3 months ago."

"I guess your right"

"I'm always right"

"No, you're not." Shayne says walking past.

"Shut up Shayne." Courtney yells at him

"We have to film Show w/ No Name so let's go"

Olivia POV

"What was that all about with you and Noah. "

"Nothing he was just being annoying." Anna says rolling her eyes.

"He's just trying to talk to you. He's making an effort"

"He's just too little too late."

"Anna I don't mean to annoy you with this but he's trying to get back with you and I think you should considerate it."

"Why would I do that?"

"You haven't been the same since you broke up. You don't hang out with Courtney and I as much anymore, you don't crack those horrible jokes anymore, I barely see you anymore."

"That's not because of Noah it's because I'm busy with the musical. Olivia, I love that you're so concerned and it really shows that you're a good friend but seriously I'm sick and tired of everyone talking to me about Noah. Not only do I have to deal with everyone talking about Noah and me, but I also have to deal with Tanner. He was the only person who never brought up Noah and when he did we ended up fighting. Noah is the cause of all my problems."

"Or maybe you're the cause of you're problems. Noah wasn't the only one wrong in the whole breakup. You could've talked to him. The day after you guys almost did the nasty. Your relationship with Noah didn't work because of you both. So I suggest you stop trying to put all the blame on Noah and start looking at all the mistakes you made."

"Geez Olivia. That was a bit harsh." I shakily laugh.

"Sorry, but you needed to hear it. I was friends with Noah long before I was with you. Even though I'm closer to you. I still have a history with Noah and I just want to see you both happy. And that's with each other.

"You're right."


"I was happier with Noah. But I don't want a relationship"

"Then maybe you just need a friend. You need Noah as a friend."

---------------------Edited 1/23/19(This chapter needed so much editing.)
1k reads!!!!!

Thank you so much. It means a lot to me. So I originally wasn't going to update till Sunday but since we met our goal of 1k reads before Chapter 15 I updated sooner.

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