Chapter 6 New Plan

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Jennifer P.O.V.

So you want to know the best idea ever? Well to bad because all Elena does is come up with bad ideas. Like right now we are going with out kidnaper to one of her friends who we don't know. Awesome plan right (note the sarcasm). Me,Elena and Rose on a trip what possible could go wrong? What  everything. My kidnapper and my sister who is always in a suiside mission. I don't know why she likes these types of mission.

We walk to the door. I shake the door. It didn't open. I turn to Rose. Rose steps in front of me, knocking in the door.

Rose "Slater Slater it is Rose open up he is not home sorry"
Elena "Umm no we did not come all this  way out here"

Elena tiltes her head pointing to the  door.

"Oh come on you didn't even try"

Rose turns around facing the door. She opens the door

"See not that hard"

Rose turns to Elena who is keeping her distance from  the  doors.

Rose "After you"

I walk in first. Elena and Rose walk in.

Rose "Slater"

"So what does he look like ?"

Rose "He - wait he is gonna be the only person here"

"Yeah will then if we are talking about the Slater guy then he isn't gonna be much help"

There he was on the floor with a stake shoved throw his heart. Rose huffs. Rose drags Slater somewhere. I stood there staring at the spot where he died. Would Klaus or Elijah really kill someone because they where helping us. Who killed Slater? Elena walks off to a desk.

Elena "I think who ever blow up the  coffe shop found him and killed him for his information"

Everything  seemed to disappear. Elena voice. Rose voice. Someone killed him because he helped us. No one deserves to die because of us.  I hear footsteps and look at Rose opening the curtians.

Elena "What are you-"
Rise "10 foot glass ub rays sunlight can't penetrate(A/N I am a terrible speller) I use to come here and just watch the day"

We we're silent. Elena picks up a picture.

Elena "I am sorry about Slater"
Rose "Any luck?"
Elena "Umm...password protected we can't get in"
Rose "Then this is usless let's just go"

We hear a noise.

Rose "Stay here"

Rose walks towatd it. I follow behind.

Rose "I said stay there"

She  opens the doors.

Rose "Alice"
Alice "Rose"

Alice runs to Rose. Hugging her. Crying. Rose doesn't look like she likes the hug. Rose rubs Alice wrist. Elena goes into  the kitchen. Pooring so tea. Elena you can't come into someone's house amd juat make yourself  at home. He is dead and you are making tea. Who drinks tea anymore I thought. I got lost in my thoughts.I was bought out with Alice saying;

Alice "Are you  seriously asking  me that  right now  I just saw my boyfriend with a stake throw his heart"

I would never know what that is like because I don't have a vampire boyfriend.

Elena "I understand that. Do you know his password?"
Alice "Who do you think you  are? "

Elena "What if I could confinse Rose to turn you? Will you  show us his files then?"

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