Chapter 44: Jennifer?

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Elijah P.O.V

Jennifer stopped screaming at some point.

"We think that when that happens she is  renewing something that happened to her"

"What could she removed that would make her react that way?"

"I can't answer that"

"Why not?"

"There is a why to wake her up"


"You are not gonna like it"

"Just tell us"

Kol and Klaus stepped forward.


Klaus P.O.V

Damon Salvatore? How could he help Jennifer when he can barely help himself.


"How does he know where she is?"

Elijah and Kol sped downstairs. I followed them.

"Where's Jennifer?"

It was more of a demand then question.

"Why do you care?"

"Cause you are dangerous and I do not trust you with her"

"Yet it took you a day to realize she was missing?"

"I realized she was missing the second she went missing  but Elena distracted  me so I had to come here at this time. Now where is Jennifer?"

Damon looked up at the staires then us.

"Thanks for the tip"

Damon sped to Jennifer.

Damon's P.O.V

I saw Jennifer laying there. Why do I feel like this is my fault?


I sped toward her.

"Hey wake up"

"Not again"

I pushed her hair farther away from her face. I heard the Mikealsons behind me but I just ignored them. I took the cerenge out before sticking it in her neck. And in a blink of an eye I am throw to a wall.


A/N: Elijah and Jennifer shippers. What do you think would be a good name for their ship?

If anyone is wondering what is going in with Jennifer I sorta don't even know.  I had some ideas for what she is but I need to come up with it.

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