Chapter 13: The Dance

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Jennifer P.O.V

After Bonnie showed us how much power she had Damon said that Bonnie is our attack plan. I and Elena disagreed to it. But they didn't listen. The dance is in a few hours. I need to get ready.  (Her outfit for the dance). I walk down the stories.

"Hey guys were is Ric?"

Elena comes out with her 60's outfit "I think he is coming later"

"Cool do I have to go?"

"Yes Klaus is here he is going to be there"

"Exactly why go to the place where the oldest most powerful vampire is gonna be"

"No, you are going to the dance"


"Stefan should be here in a little"

*Skip to the dance"

I walk up to the gym doors. Before I open the doors I turn to Elena.

"It is not too late to turn around and go home to watch something like Teenwolf or Supernatural-"

"Stop complaining and go inside"

"You know something I like Katherine more then I like my own twin"

I walked into the gym.

Elena P.O.V

She can't really mean that. Right? No, she is my sister she cares about me. She is overreacting. I turn to Stefan.

"I am sure she didn't mean it, Elena"

Jennifer P.O.V

Klaus is here and they want to just come here. Why couldn't I stay home? I was interrupted by bumping into something. No someone. Alaric.

"Hey Alaric"


"Wait before you call me Elena or Katherine or my actual name I have an idea."

"For what? Klaus?"

"What no. Have you met me? I was forced to come here. Wait you got me off topic. What do you think if I dye my hair? You think people won't mistake me for either Katherine or Elena?"

"No so is that the only reason you wanted to talk you me or-"

"Oh and make sure Elena stays away from me"


"Because she made me come here and I overreacted but I am still not gonna apologize and Elena is always looking for someone so they will apologize"

"Yeah well-"

Damon walked up to us.

"Anyone see Klaus?"

Elena walked up to us. I switched sides so I wasn't next to Elena.

"No, I know all these people"

"Doesn't mean he isn't here" I grumbled

Damon and Alaric heard me.

"Don't talk to your sister like that"

"Oh look Damon defending Elena like always. What a surprise" I say sarcastically

Elena turned to me "Why are you always looking for attention Jen? You can never just let anyone help me if they are going against you. Stop being selfish"

"Wow Elena tell me what you really think"

"I think you are selfish and only care about yourself"

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