Chapter 41:What happens next?

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Jennifer P.O.V

He pulled away.What just happened. I stared at Elijah.

"My apologies"

"Um..yeah it's all good"

It was quite for a while.

"Jennifer I will not be here tomorrow"

"Oh okay"

"I am not leaving cause for what happened if that is what you are worried about"

"That is not it I don't believe you would do something like that"

"It is something that Niklaus did I need to take care of"

"For enurnity cleaning up your siblings messes. I din't know how I would react I am already sick of cleaning up Elena's messes now doing that forever...I don't think I could handle that."

I smiled at the end. I yawned.

"I am gonna go to sleep"

I crawled into bed.

I couldn't fall asleep though. I don't know why, I just suddenly didn't feel tired. I turn to see Elijah sitting in a chair reading a book. I thought he was leaving? Maybe he is leaving later.

"Why aren't you sleeping?"

I sat up and turned to Elijah when he answered;

"To make sure you don't get hurt"

"Or die"

Elijah shook his head.

"Did you know that twins could be dooplegangers?"

Elijah put his book down, turning another lamp on.

"No there as always one doopleganger"

"There was never two at the same time or three?"

Elijah gave me a questioning look.

"Why are you asking these questions?"

"Can I tell you this without you telling anyone?"

"You have my word I will not tell anyone"

"This will never level this room?"


"Oh who cares they can probably hear us"

I swang my legs over the bed.

"There was suppose to be three"


"Dooplegangers. Me,Elena and Riley. The doctors had a choice to save me or Riley. See cause I was sick and so was Riley. And since I was born second. Elena,me then Riley. They decided to save me first then Riley but they never even got to save her. Funny how you say people don't always die around me but the first thing I did on this world was kill my baby triplet sister"

"Why do you blame yourself for everyone dying?"

"I already answerd that question cause if they didn't choose me then she would still be alive."

"You were a new born. You can't blame yourself for her death."

"But I do. I blame myself for everyone's death. If they choose to save her instead of me then she would still be alive-"

"You don't know that maybe you both would have died instead"

"If I convinced Elena to come walk with me instead of call mom and dad then the would still be alive. If Klaus used me in the sacrifice Jenna wouldn't have died-"

"How is Jenna dying your fault she was a vampire Klaus turned her"

"If he used me in the sacrifice he could have turned me and he just had a doppleganger and vampire for the sacrifice"

"It wouldn't have worked"

"Then he would have a vampire and he would never have to sacrifice Jenna"

"Klaus would have never used you in the sacrifice"


"Stop blaming youself"


Elijah grabbed me keeping me still.

"None of it is your fault"

"I-I need to go call Jeremy"

I walked out of Elijah's grip. I walked into the bathroom,leaning in the door. I slid down the door. I pulled my phone out hoping he would pick up. It went straight to voice mail. I dialed a different number but they didn't pick up. No one picked up. I called Jermy again and left a voicemail,called Tyler and another voicemail . Then Alaric

Jeremy's voice mail: Hey Jeremy wanted to tell you I am ok. Just staying away from Elena for a while. Maybe we could met up somewhere you,me and Tyler and Ric. I never wanted yoi to be draghed into this but you where. And some time I think it is a good thing cause I wouldn't have to lie to you anymore but sometimes I tho k it is to dangerous for you in this world. Then I think about it more and realize I just want you to live your own. Make your own chooses. You want to leave this life then leave. Bye little brother

Tyler's voice mail: Hey Tyler I know you are probably with Caroline know or running from Klaus I don't wa t this to make me sound like Katherine or Elena but I still care about you. I am not saying I want you back but you whee my first lover so I am still gonna care about you and love you forever. You were my first love I will always love you. So I would like to met up with you and Jeremy sometime and Ric. I never likes that you Ric and Jeremy where in this life. You know you don't have stay. You don't need to stay here for anyone.

I put my phone down thinking. I picked it back up and called Ric.

Ric's voice mail: I know I have told you this before but you are our guardian our second father. I.wish that you where our dad rather then John. But really yo don't need to be blood to be family. You didn't have be give birth to be family. You didn't ha w to be my actually dad to be my dad. And honestly I'd rather tell you this in person but me and Elena are still arguing but you have been more of my dad then John sometime more then Grayson. Thanks Ric for being for us. So please me you,Tyler and Jeremy met up some time and I want you-if he actually wants to-get Jeremy and Tyler put in this life. Bye Ric

I put my phone down and looked at the ceiling.

 I am so bad at these

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I am so bad at these

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