Chapter 53: She is gone

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Klaus held Hayley and Jennifer in his arms. The witches killed them then took his child. He couldn't go after them. Klaus had to stay with Haley and Jennifer. Jennifer tried to save him,Hayley and his child now she is dead. He didn't look up when the doors opened

The second he saw Klaus holding Jennifer. It seemed that he broke.

"Jennifer tried to save us"

Klaus looked at Elijah with tears in his eyes.

"The witches killed her and took my daughter."

Elijah took Jennifer's body hoping for a heart beat. She was covered in blood. Her blood. The blood was every where on her shirt,neck,pants and face.   She was dead. Jennifer watched as Elijah and Klaus looked at her dead body. Her dead body that would come to future.

Klaus followed Elijah. "NO brother. I let her in. I let this girl in. I let both of them in. I don't let people in"

"You think I am gonna let the witches get away with killing Jennifer with taking my child"

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