Chapter 35: Visions?

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Jennifer P.O.V

After a while we figured out the plan. What plan you may be asking. The plan where mommy Mikealson is going to basically kill her children. Oh no I am sorry 'sacrificing them for the better good'. How is it for the better good?

"OK your family is crazy. I mean seriously? You guys love sacrifices don't you"

I am pretty sure that if Elena was here that she would say something about how I find time to be sarcastic at a time like this. But no she decided to be on the other side. No like other side other side like opposite team.

"We have to stop her"


"We kill her"

I blink a couple times and reliaze I am at the grill. What just happened? I look around and see Kol and Klaus. When did they get here? I walk over to them.

"Jennifer why were you just standing like that?"

"What do you mean?"

"Did you start to have visions?"

"What? Yes? No? I don't know what you mean"

Klaus didn't reply he was staring out the door. I turn around and see Caroline.

I turn the corner and see Kol daggered. Alaric drags him out the bar.

"Jennifer? Jennifer?"


"Did you have a vision?"

"Umm...I think so. How did I-"

"It comes with the mate bond. You have visions when your mate or in this case the whole family are in trouble."

Kol's eyes shift from me to someone else. I look behind me and see Marideth. My eyes widen. I look back to Kol to warn him but he isn't there. I turn back and see he is with Marideth. I start to go over there but I am sucked into another vision.

I watch as Klaus face falls. He looks angery.
'Klaus-' .Klaus ran off
I am suddenly in an ally. I look and see Alric dragging Kol's daggered body.

I opens my eyes and see Alaric dragging Kol off. These visions really need to better time warning.

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