Chapter 9: The Tomb

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A/N: OK so I am going to put the dinner next because that is the episode I remember next.

Jennifer ' s P.O.V

There is food on the table. I walk over to the food and put it in the microwave. I wait until it is done when a voice startles me by saying;

"So you gonna kill me or not?"....Damon
"After I eat I am hungry" I replied
Damon "Yeah whatever you say"

I grab my food and eat it. Damon was staring at me the whole time. It was kinda creepy. Well what can I expect from him. When I finish I put my dishes in the sink. I was about to turn around when suddenly I am in my room on my bed.

"Damon what are you-"

Damon shhhhs me. 'What is happening? I don't get what is so important that he can't tell me downstairs'

Damon "Stefan wants to see you"
"Where is he?"
Damon "In the tomb"

I stand up.

Damon "Come on get on my back"
"What? Why?"
Damon "We are not going to drive there and I am not just gonna hold your hand"
"So you would rather-"
Damon "Just get on my back"

I got on Damon's back. I felt wind rush on face for a second then we stopped.

Damon "We are here"

We walk down to the tomb. Stefan walks to the entrance. I run over to Stefan we try to.


Damon grabs me and holds me to his chest.

"Stefan how are you there? Why won't you came out? What happened? Why did you want to see me?"

Stefan "I got in here trying to save Jeremy. I can't come out there is a spell to keep vampires in. Katherine is still in here. Jeremy tried to get the moon stone but Katherine grabbed him feeding off of him she was about to feed off of him again so I pushed him out of the way getting stuck here. I wanted to see you because you got kidnapped twice in what a week?"

"Stefan I am sorry"
Stefan "It is not your fault"
"YES yes it is if I stopped Elena from visting Slater or if I just stayed here or-"
Stefan "JEN it is'nt your fault"

A/N : OK so i am going to put the dinner next because that is the episode I remeber next.

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