Prologue: After

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Do I regret it? I can't help but ask myself as I run through deserted unfamiliar streets, in the middle of the night.

Was it worth it? I question, as every bounding step I take causes sharp bolts of pain to travel up my shattered wing and into my back. I grit my teeth against the agonizing pain and keep pushing myself further, even as my body protests and black spots dance across my vision.

And yet I kept going.

Run. Don't stop. Keep going. Are the words I repeatedly chant inside my head as I skid around another corner of the maze like town.

I know they're coming.

I can hear their feet hitting the pavement nearby, racing after their target as fast as they can on foot.

I must make it there first.

Because now, no matter what has or will happen.

I do not regret what I did.

The choices I made.

Was it worth it?

In the end, I sure do hope so.



I quickly rummage through my suitcase. Only grabbing what I deem the most important and quickly throwing it into my backpack.

I ignore the hotel manager's questions as she repeatedly asks me where I have been. She wouldn't believe me even if I told her.

I can't stop. I must leave. I chant inside my head as I throw my clothes everywhere, in search of my spare passport.

The manager finally gives up and leaves, probably to go and call the police. I'll be long gone before they get here.

The first thing I had done when I had barged into the hotel was run right past the empty reception desk and into the manager's office. I had ignored the startled manager as I had grabbed her office phone and dialled the number I had memorized for the Taxi Company here in Italy.

It should hopefully be here soon. If not, it doesn't matter anyway, the cops are the least of my worries.

I pause as I finally had found my passport, remembering exactly why I'm leaving this country in the first place.

Because of her.

I shake my head, getting rid of my thoughts, as I chuck my passport in my backpack. I zip it up and throw it onto my back, and leave the room. I go out into the night and wait for my taxi at the front of the hotel. Mentally and emotionally exhausted, I slump against the hard brick wall and shut my eyes.

When suddenly my shirt is roughly grabbed and before I can even manage to open my eyes, I'm flung across the street. I crash into a solid brick wall with a loud crack and crumple to the ground. I groan in pain as I roll over onto my back.

I blink numerous times, trying to clear my blurry vision. Turning my head to the side, I can see a dark outline of the being that had thrown me into the wall, slowly making their way over to me.

As the creature of legends stands above me, I am unable to see its face clearly due to the lack of lighting on the street, but I know it would be beautiful like the rest of them are. Like she is.

I watch as the creature opens its mouth to sing its enchanting melody that will make me do whatever it pleases.

Memories start to flash before my eyes. All of them are of her.

And yet after all that had happened, I don't regret any of it.

The only thing I do regret are the last words I had said to her.

What I had called her.

A Monster.

A Siren's Choice (Book One in A Siren's Series)Where stories live. Discover now