Chapter Six: The Decision

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A few hours before sunrise

After hours of flying above the sea, trying to stay out of the storm's way. I find a lone jagged rock, sticking out of the waves. Landing on the rock, I sit down on the hard wet surface, not caring one little bit if I ruin my dress.

I sigh, leaning back on my hands, I lift my head and I watch the lightening race across the dark sky, briefly lighting up the world before plunging it back into darkness.

Due to the severity of the storm, I have not been able to find one human that I can lure with my Siren Song.

My only hope is finding a boat with humans stupid enough to be sailing with that storm around. 

I can't go onto land to find my victim for it is forbidden by The Council to do so while doing our Rite of Passage. The Council say by finding our victim sailing on the sea, we are connected to our ancestors and their old ways.

I sigh and stand back up, wiping my hands on my dress as it whips around in the strong breeze. I spread my dark wings out behind me, getting ready to fly off into the sky so I can complete my task that was given to me.

But just before I take off, I look to the right and see a boat stupidly heading straight into the path of the storm. A boat full of humans.

I jump into the sky, speeding towards the boat, hopefully I can find a stray human silly enough to be wandering the boat at this time of the morning.

I slow my approach before landing on top of the small ship, tucking my wings behind my back, I listen for any signs of humans walking around outside, but all I can hear is the sounds of light breathing and snoring amongst the cracks of thunder and crashing waves.

I start pacing, wondering how I could draw a human outside but my thoughts are cut short as I hear the sound of a door opening.

I walk to the edge of the roof, and look down below to see a young man with black hair exit the boat and walk over to the railing, leaning against it. He just stands there, watching the sea.

My heart starts pounding rapidly against my chest because I know this is it. This is the human I must kill. I don't think I'll get another opportunity quite like this.

I feel light headed, and my breathing becomes shallow. I close my eyes and think about my parents, my home, everything I'll leave behind if I do not do this.

I keep that in mind as I open my eyes and watch as he looks towards the storm probably only just realising how close it is, and he turns around to head back inside before it starts to pour.

I can't let him get away.

I take a deep breath through my nose and I open mouth, and I start to sing.

As the sweet melody that Sirens are known for leaves my mouth, the man stops right in his tracks before he reaches the door that will take him back inside.

I spin my Siren Song, wrapping it around him, entrancing him, capturing him, calling to him.

I follow him from my place on top of the roof as he quickly turns on his heels and makes his way to the back of the boat, stumbling over his feet as he goes. The vessel starts to rock more violently, not helping him on his quest to find the source of the beautiful voice he hears. Unknowingly leading himself to his death.

He slams into the railing at the back of the boat. He looks up at the dark sky and the heavens decide at this moment to unleash its woes, and starts to rain. Once again the rain washes over me, drenching me.

A Siren's Choice (Book One in A Siren's Series)Where stories live. Discover now