Chapter Ten: The Problem

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Storm rages. Lightning flashes. Thunder cracks. Rain pours down, drenching me. Waves rocking the boat. An enchanting voice calls to me.

"Come find me".

Suddenly I'm falling. Plunging into the freezing turbulent sea. The dark water consumes me, dragging me further down with invisible hands. 

I can't breathe.

Suddenly I jerk upright in bed. 

My heart racing. My chest heaves with each shallow breath I take. I clutch my chest as I take deep breaths trying to calm myself.

It was a nightmare, just a nightmare. I keep chanting repeatedly in my head.

Once my heart rate and breathing is finally back to normal, I look around the pitch black room, confused for a moment as to where I am.

Then it all comes back to me.

The boat, the storm, waking up on the beach.


I reach over to the bedside table, grabbing onto the candle holder. My hands fumble around on the table until my hand finally grabs onto the small box of matches. I pull out a match, striking it against the side of the box and igniting the match head. I then light the wick of the partially melted candle, lighting up the small room.

Swinging my legs off the bed, I groan as I stand up on my feet, my stiff muscles aching from my movements. Holding the metal candle holder, I walk out into the main room towards the fireplace. 

Placing the candle on the old brick mantel as I crouch down. I find a bag full of husks from coconuts which is perfect for kindling. Grabbing another match, I use it to light the kindling before I place it into the firebox. I start grabbing the smaller sticks from the wood pile stacked beside the fireplace, placing them on top of the small flame. I also use some old newspaper that I found, trying to make the fire bigger as I start throwing on some bigger logs as well.

After poking and prodding the fire with an old iron fire prodder, I deem it good enough and stand back up. I watch the crackling fire burn the logs, and the small ambers fly before I re-grab the candle holder. I make my way back into the bedroom where I place the candle back on the bedside table before walking into the tiny bathroom to go to the toilet.

Once I finish my business, I quickly wash my hands before I walk back through the bedroom, deciding to leave the candle behind. I step out of the room, looking at my bare feet. I feel eyes watching me, so I lift my head and freeze when I see who is standing in front of the door.

It's her.


I pause mid stride as I take her in.

She is no longer drenched and covered in sand. Her once messy brown hair is now shiny and tied up in a high ponytail with only a few strands loose, framing her face. Her azure eyes are no longer full of exhaustion but are shining bright in the light of fire. Her porcelain skin is absolutely flawless. Her midnight black wings tucked up against her back.

She was gorgeous before but now she is absolutely breathtakingly beautiful even in her simple attire of dark blue jeans, a grey shirt and black boots.

I feel the corners of my mouth flick up, "You came back", I breathe, relieved that she kept her promise.

She stares at me, seemingly lost in thought for a moment.

"Of course, I promised didn't I", she eventually says with raised brows as she pulls her bag off her chest.

"Yes you did", I simply reply, still dumb founded by the dark winged beauty in front of me. It's quiet for a beat before she speaks again.

A Siren's Choice (Book One in A Siren's Series)Where stories live. Discover now