Chapter Four: The Rite of Passage

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The next day, one hour before sunset.

I pace around my room, my long black ceremonial dress sways side to side with the movement. I wring my hands together painfully to try and stop them from shaking.

Very shortly The Council will retrieve me from my home and we'll make our way down to the beach to commence my Rite.

I wish Proteus were here to help calm me down, I haven't seen him since this morning when he came over to wish me good luck for tonight, but he had to leave shortly after.

My parents also left not so long ago too, and are already down at the beach with the others.

My father had hugged me tightly, carefully kissing me on my head, and told me that he loved me and would see me soon before he then walked out of the front door. I remember he had this look in his eyes, a look that had said he was so sure that I will complete my Rite and make him and my mother proud. That I will do what I have to do.

No pressure.

My mother had helped me to get ready for my big night. She had helped me put on my long sleeved midnight black ceremonial dress, that falls to the floor. She had decided to leave my long chocolate brown hair freely cascading down my back.

She had then followed dad out of the door. She had hugged and placed a kiss on my head like my father had just done moments before. She had told me she loved me and will also see me soon. She had said it all with a bright smile on her face, one full of pride like she knew I would soon be one of them, that I will wear the Mark of a Siren.

Yeah, definitely no pressure at all.

I had stood at the opened front door and stared after my parents, until I could no longer see them in their black cloaks, but even then I kept staring.

I stood there and wished I had the guts to tell my parents about the thoughts that have plagued me this pass year. To tell them I don't think I can do this. That I don't think I can take someone's life. That I don't think I'm worthy to wear my kind's mark on the back of my neck.

I had sighed and hung my head before I had shut the door, and made my way up to my room, where I am now currently pacing and freaking the fuck out.

My heart beats rapidly in my chest.

Just breathe in and breathe out. In and out.

Remember what Proteus said, that everything will work out in the end. And it will work out, it has to.

Please Goddess help me.

"Callia", a voice calls from behind me.

I quickly swing around and face the pure white cloaked figure standing in my doorway, with its hands clasped behind its back. The figure lifts up its bowed head slightly, allowing me to see their face in the darkness of their hood. Amber eyes meet my blue ones and I know its The Council member Thelxinoe, staring attentively at me.

"It is time".

I turn around and look out my window, and I see that it is almost sunset. My heart stutters before starting up again, somehow beating faster than it was before. I take another deep breath in and out, but it does nothing to calm my anxious heart, and yet I turn back around to face Thelx.

I unclasp my hands and put them into fists at my sides, to stop them from trembling.

"I'm ready", I somehow managed to say steady voice, with my head held high, successfully hiding my true feelings.

A Siren's Choice (Book One in A Siren's Series)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin