Waiting (Part Two)

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"Tell me, father, which to ask forgiveness for: what I am, or what I'm not? Tell me, mother, which should I regret: what I became, or what I didn't?" ~ Unknown

Three days later

I'm lounging back with my legs crossed on the chair that sits beside Nathaniel's bed, reading one of the books that Proteus awesomely bought me; along with some of my clothes and toiletries from my house a few days ago.

It had been glorious to shower and then change into my own clothes rather than sitting in the same infirmary clothes that I had been in for days. Proteus had watched over Nathaniel of course as I had showered in the infirmary bathroom just down the hall and every other time after that, since I hadn't felt right in leaving him alone just in case he woke up.

But he still hasn't.

I glance at Nathaniel over my book, his breaths leaving him steadily. He still hasn't moved an inch since I've been here, he just continues to sleep peacefully.

Proteus actually likes to call him Snow White, and says that only true loves kiss can wake the fair maiden. I, of course, hit him over the head with the book I am currently holding for being an idiot. But I know T means well, he's only trying to keep me light spirited, and I guess it kind of worked as I was laughing while I was beating him with my book.

I smile faintly at the memory, shaking my head, my ponytail sways with the movement as I turn my attention back to my book, turning the page over, and I continue reading.

I only get a couple more pages in before the door behind me opens and shuts.

My eyes freeze, stopping on the next word in my book. Slowly, I grab my bookmark, and place it in my book and close it. Putting my feet flat on the ground, I lay my book on my lap, folding my hands over it.

Looking over my shoulder, I see a very anxious Molpe standing just in front of the closed door. Her hood is down, her black hair is done up in her usual bun, but her head is bowed as she tightly grasps onto her hands in front of her body.

That night I had watched Molpe fumble over her words, which was a first, but to see her anxious, unsure even, is downright unheard of.

In the silence of the room, I watch her, waiting patiently for Molpe to do something, to say something.

To blame me for Thelxinoe taking over, for the Rite of Passage being changed.

Proteus had told me how Thelxinoe had announced to all of Sirenuse that there will be monumental changes to the Rite. The main one being that there will no longer be a human sacrifice.

With a deep breath, Molpe lifts her head, dark brown eyes hesitantly meets my blue ones, "I just came to see how you two were doing... And to apologise for, everything", she confesses, her voice subdued.

Her words stun me.

Yes, after Thelxinoe took over, Molpe had appeared to be completely shell-shocked at the realisation of what she was about to do to Nathaniel, to me; but I still didn't expect her to actually come and apologise for her wrongs doings, or at least not this soon.

Still unsure of the former leader of The Council after what she tried to do, after all the lies she told us, I warily keep a watchful eye on her from across the room as I carefully respond, "We're good, Nathaniel still hasn't woken up yet though".

"He will wake up when his mind is ready", she reassures me, her voice steadier and more like The Council member I have known my whole life.

But I watch as the strength disappears from her eyes, replacing it with shame as her dark eyes flick from me to Nathaniel's sleeping form and back again. "I am so very sorry Callia. I know that these words are small and pathetic and can't make up for what I did, but I truly am sorry for the pain I had caused both you and Nathaniel" she admits, true remorse evident in her tone, and in her eyes. Her throat bobs before she hoarsely whispers, "And I know I don't deserve it now, but I hope and I pray that one day you and the Goddess will have it in your heart to forgive me".

A Siren's Choice (Book One in A Siren's Series)Where stories live. Discover now