Chapter Twenty-Eight: Save Us, or Condemn Us

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"Secrets are made to be found out with time" ~ Charles S. Sanford


The sound that is coming out of my mouth holds no joy.

My body trembles and shakes in the two Siren's hold as I laugh hysterically.

Everyone's gaze shifts back and forth between Nathaniel's kneeling form to mine. My legs have given out on me and I am now on my knees as my unrestrained laughter is ripped out from me, the only sound echoing in the silent night.

They all stare at Nathaniel in confusion, brows furrowed, eyes wide; even the all-knowing Council don't know what to make of him.

Then they look at me like I've truly lost my mind, and maybe I have because I just can't seem to stop laughing, even though it physically hurts me to do so, the movement repeatedly jarring my damaged wing.

But. I. Can't. Stop.

"Let me try", Nerissa demands, stepping away from Thelx's side, not even waiting for permission as she is already making her way to Nathaniel.

No-body moves to stop her as she stands beside Molpe, and starts singing. Her voice is sweeter, softer and lovelier than any other Siren song I have ever heard.

My laughter finally dies, fading off into nothing as I stare at Nerissa, transfixed by the beautiful sound that is emitting from someone that hides so much darkness. Someone full of so much hate and pain that I hadn't seen, not until tonight.

I don't know why such emotion lurks inside Nerissa but one thing is for sure. For I may be enchanted by her voice but Nathaniel isn't.

He doesn't hear the whispers of temptation that are woven through our songs. The alluring whispers that convince you to do whatever we please.

But that doesn't deter Nerissa, whose face scrunches up in concentration, her voice becoming impossibly more tempting.

"It's not going to work", I tell her, my raspy voice effectively cutting off her singing, her dark gaze shifts to mine, narrowing. "Not anymore", I shake my head; my body, my mind, my heart, my soul, so very tired as I slump in the two Siren's grasp; the only thing that's keeping me from collapsing into a heap on the ground.

"What do you mean it won't work?" Nerissa grits out, her busted fists shaking, obviously hating not being able to control Nathaniel, hating not knowing why she can't.

"Because he has won the heart of a Siren".

All eyes snap to Thelxinoe as he steps forward, speaking for the first time tonight.

And he is met with shocked silence.

"That's... That's not possible", Molpe whispers, dumbfounded.

Thelxinoe looks to me, and gestures behind him to Nathaniel, "This human is your mate, isn't he. The one you have chosen".

I can practically feel every pair of eyes on me. But Nathaniel's eyes are the heaviest.

I can only imagine how confused he is.

I had pulled the rug out from under him when we first met, showing him that there are creatures such as myself on this planet, and he is still falling back. He is yet to hit the ground, stuck in mid-air, hearing one revelation after another without rest.

I wish he didn't have to find out this way. Just like I wish this night would have gone differently. I wish a lot of things, but I can't change my reality. I can't change the knowing look that Thelxinoe is giving me as he waits for me to answer a question he never asked, for he already knows the answer. All the clues are right there in plain site after all.

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