Chapter Fifteen: Little Chat

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When my feet hit the ground in front of the cottage, I notice that the door is wide open, and I can hear a second heart beat that shouldn't be here, coming from inside. 

I sprint through the open door and into the cottage. 

The front room is empty, but I can hear shouting coming from behind the bedroom door. With my own heart racing in my chest, I quickly twist the door knob, swinging the door open.

"What are you doing here?!" Proteus demands to know, looking like a predator rather than my usual goofy friend as he advances towards Nathaniel, who is trapped in the corner of the room, to his right is a boarded up window, and to his left is a bedside table and the bed. 

I can tell that he knows that it would be stupid to go up against Proteus, just like he knows he won't be able to make a run for it as he stares wide eyed at my best friend. Both of them are yet to notice my presence.

"I was on a boat, but I fell overboard. I had washed up onto this island, and found this place", Nathaniel lies outright to Proteus, twisting the story, which causes me to pause in the doorway when I was just about to make my presence known.

He didn't mention me at all. 

He lied. For me.

"I don't believe you", says Proteus in a deadly voice, "You have barely even glimpsed at my wings, let alone acted surprised to see them, which means you know at least one of my kind, and they put you here, but the real question is why?" He gestured to his multi coloured wings that are indeed out and on full display, as he stalks even closer to Nathaniel.

"Proteus", I call to him in a calm voice, but I know he heard me as he pauses, he slowly turns his head in my direction.

His hard emerald green eyes soften as he looks at me in disbelief, "Callia?"

At the sound of my name, Nathaniel flicks his eyes off Proteus and looks across the room and finds me standing at the door.

I turn my attention back to Proteus, knowing that if I continue to look into those storm grey eyes I will go to him, to my mate, but I know now is not the time as I tell T, "I'm the one that bought Nathaniel here, Proteus, so leave him alone".

Proteus steps towards me, his eyes bounding from Nathanial to me and back again, confusion clouding his green eyes.

"I believe you have some explaining to do", Proteus tells me gruffly as he forgets Nathaniel all together and strides toward me instead, no sign of his usual trademark grin, showing me how utterly serious he is.

When Proteus is serious that's when you know you're in deep shit.

"Yeah I know", I sigh, knowing I'm going to get an ear full from him, "Go outside, I'll meet you there in second".

Proteus nods and with one last glance over his shoulder in Nate's direction, he trudges pass me, and out of the cottage, shutting the front door behind him.

"Callia?" Nate calls softly as he slowly comes around the bed till he is standing in front of me.

"It's okay Nathaniel, he won't hurt you", I reassure him as I tip my head up, so I can look him in the eyes.

"I'm not worried about me", he states, looking down at me with cloudy grey eyes full of worry, worry that is surprisingly directed towards me.

He's worried about me, my foolish heart can't help but soar at the thought.

Pushing my thoughts away for later, "I need you to stay right here okay, I'll be back soon. Proteus and I are just going to have a little chat", I say as light-heartedly as possible with a small smile to try and put Nate at ease. 

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