Chapter Eight: Sunrise

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* The song - 'Scared of Change', by Our Last Night. This song popped into my head as I was writing Callia's POV which is later in this chapter. I absolutely love this band, so check them out!!!



I make my way through the almost completely dark room towards the warm glowing light of the candle that Callia had left in the cramped bathroom.

Callia, her name whispers threw my mind.

When I woke up on that beach, I was beyond confused, not knowing how I had gotten there. Last thing I remember, I was on the boat watching the sea, but after that everything goes all hazy.

I remember hearing this sigh come from behind me, and so I had rolled over to see who it was.

That's when I had seen her lying there in the sand with her eyes closed, but most importantly it was when I had seen the black shadows coming out of her back, laying behind her in the shape of wings.

I strip off my wet, sandy clothes, hopping under the freezing cold stream of water.

I thought I had been hallucinating as I had stare at those black wings. But no matter how many times I had blinked my eyes and shook my head, they still didn't disappear.

Oh my god, I had thought, she truly has wings!

In my shocked state, I had tried to scoot away from her, but she must have heard me.

She had bolted upright, turning her head towards me, which had caused my breath to get caught in my already raw throat.

Even in my fear I couldn't deny how gorgeous she was.

Even in her wet, sandy dishevelled state that had been clearly illuminated by the light of the full moon she still was the most exquisite creature I had ever laid eyes on.

With her long soaked dark hair that was cascaded down to her waist, her pale unmarked porcelain skin making her appear almost doll like, and her beautiful light blue eyes that had been staring at me, waiting to see what I would do.

I had asked her the first plausible question that had popped into my mind.

Was she an angel?

To which she had answered no too with a soft yet alluring voice that would rival any sound an instrument could ever make.

Her wings that were as dark as the sky on a starless night, hung lifelessly from her back. I had turned my attention to her black dress that she had somehow gotten completely ruined.

She had looked like an angel of darkness that had fallen from grace.

When I had asked her exactly what she was, only the sound of the waves crashing into the shore had answered me, but I had saw how her shining blue eyes had dimmed ever so slightly and filled with an emotion that was gone in a flash before I could see what it was. Her beautiful face had then transformed into a cool mask, hiding her true emotions from me.

I can't help but wonder what had run through her mind as I wash the sand off my body, watching as the tiny grains flow down the drain.

What had made those beautiful eyes dim?

Then she had told me of how she had saved my life. Images of choking in dark, rough waters had flashed across my mind before disappearing.

She had saved me.

A Siren's Choice (Book One in A Siren's Series)Where stories live. Discover now